Conquest of the Horde

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UPDATE: Considered matches have been made, but I haven't gone through the whole clientele list. I thought I might as well display the clientele spreadsheet so players can see the work in progress. Feel free to suggest some matches :D
I notice that so far on that sheet Endling is marked by a human and an orc.

This will be interesting.

Like a train-wreck.
I think I know Kromlarg as my alt's uncle, and they might have a chance. B:
Plan for possible matches...make a big spreadsheet on a road made of chalk. Then throw a rock and see where it lands.
This sounds humorous enough for me to consider making a lulzy character specifically to RP with you. Are friendly races associated with the Horde allowed? :D
Absolutely! We have two Horde members in TLE, and TLE itself is strictly neutral and crossracial/factional. Horde helpers are very, very welcome!
Raynoltz art want help to as well.........
(10-04-2011, 01:27 PM)zeromanzx Wrote: [ -> ]Raynoltz art want help to as well.........

Wait, what? XD
I want to help on Raynoltz lol.
Of course you can help! Everyone in TLE can <3
Kapre, will you be on about ~7:00 to 8:00 server time?
Two profiles. Meh.

Quote:*There appear to be drawings around this profile, mostly of a troll riding a rocket*

Interviewer: Jof’waz

Name: Esthrunil Suntreader

History: Born in Quel’thalas, this elf quickly went to study the arcane like most every elf there. For whatever reason, she started to perform street magic for the masses.

Interests: Magic is the obvious one. She also enjoys art (char-coal and painting) and is an amateur musician. Also does tailoring, but mostly to make her own clothing (good household skill).

Preferences: No undead. Gender doesn’t matter.

Mate Must: An interest in travel, profession skills (crafters or mages). Likes conflict and *the next word is crossed out so many times that it can’t be read*. No diseases, cannot have a rage-filled hatred for the Sin’dorei (hate, sure, but who hates elves enough to be filled with rage?)

Long or Short?: Either.

Notes: Some piercings, I think seven on each ear. If she’s performing street magic, then she’s probably poor. She doesn’t seem to hate a lot of thing, or care about who she ends up with. Is Da’taz still available? This elf might piss her off.
Quote:Interviewer: Jof’waz

Name: Parth Vargon

History: Born in Lordaeron to a soldier-father and a mother who didn’t care for him. When his father went to fight in the military, he was adopted by a friend’s parents (because his mother neglected him). Fled to Hillsbrad when the Scourge came, and is now an Evoker-in-training.

Interests: Enjoys travelling, magic, and adventure. Also enjoys the violin. Bit of a simple man.

Preferences: Female only. No short ladies.

Mate Must: Have similar interest, and be patient. Cannot hate humans, and must take proper care of self.

Long or Short?: Either

Notes: Might work well with Esthrunil. Tends to stutter and blush like our favorite Tauren.

*Below the notes, there are more doodles of rockets and goblin girls.*
Yay, more profiles!

And there is usually no guarantee I'd be on around 7-8 PM Server. That time is usually spent on cooking/eating dinner or helping the little brother with homework.
Raynoltz leaves the profile clasped in Kapre's hands when leaving him in the Tavern's bedroom.

Quote:1.) Paul Strokes

2.) Grew up in father's forge, but never learned the skill himself. Became a mercenary.Has recently been active in...elven... politics.

3.) Loves travel and adventure. Considers himself a tourist.Can use a mace and gun pretty well when needed.Is a skilled fighter.

4.) Will accept humans but greatly prefers Sin'Dorei - Female only

5.) Wants a strong willed-woman who's very soul will keep him interested. Also perhaps someone who likes to travel. also maybe skills in magic.

6.) Does not want someone that is boring or depressed. Wants the girl to be happy and out-going.

7.) Whatever it happens to develop into, or whatever she prefers.

Ray's note.

"The man seemed to think i was very professional. So I will add my personal note and say that from talking to him, Paul is a fine man. He is a bit shy about his preference of a Horde race, but I assured him that There is no judgment in The Love Exchange, and Kapre will do the best he can to find exactly what he is looking for. I salute you Paul Strokes, for being brave enough to express your love, and to seek happiness!

By the way, Since you left early and said you were sick, I just went ahead and said Kapre ICly passed out probably sick. So after interviewing Paul Raynoltz took Kapre upstairs and put him into one of the Inn's beds. If you don't like this I can just retcon it from ever having happened. Raynolt left the profile in Kapre's hands... DON'T CRUSH IT!
(10-04-2011, 11:50 PM)zeromanzx Wrote: [ -> ]Raynolt left the profile in Kapre's hands... DON'T CRUSH IT!

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