Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Sangreala Saumerian. [Fel-sworn.] [Persistent.]
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Race of character/NPC: Fel-mutated Elf. (San'layn in OOC.)

Class of character/NPC: Warlock.

Name of character/NPC - Ingame name : Sangreala.
Full name : Sangreala 'Blackheart' Saumerian.

Exact modelID requested: 31093 (Blood Queen Lana'thel, if helpful.)

Duration that character will be used: Persistent, and often.

Purpose for the character/NPC: Storyline. Sangreala will be used once more to help spark the fire for a Good VS. Evil RP.

Location the character/NPC will reside: The character is planned out to be part of Argus Wake, so she will generally travel with them when she can. At most, she will stay at remote, hidden places and in the shadows, to avoid being spotted. But at most, can be found in Shadowmoon Valley.

Level requested: Level eighty would be most appreciated.

Any special equipment needed: Nothing of any importance, but perhaps a way not to get insta-killed by the monsters and demons of Shadowmoon Valley and other dangerous places.

Skills and abilities added from the transformation:

Fel control - Sangreala, due to her closer relation to the demonic powers she uses, will have more skill in her arts.

Demonic body - Sangreala's body is no longer Sin'dorei, and requires no substance but Fel to stay running. Sleep is gone, as is hunger.

Demonic changes - Sangreala's body is mutated heavily, granting her a pair of wings she may fly with for short distances, a pair of horns, and her fingers grow sharpened, though fragile claws.


Demon - Sangreala, in all terms is now a full demon. Other Warlocks may be able to take control of her, and she is forever loyal to the Legion. Weather she likes it, or not.

Creature of shadows - Due to her being, Sangreala will be harmed from all holy spells severely, including healing.

Monstrous visage - Sangreala now looks like a monster, and will be attacked on sight from any guards or figures of authority, forcing her into hiding.

Plight of the wicked - Sangreala's allgiment shifts to lawful evil, and will remain there forever after.

Rebound - The only way to resurrect Sangreala, should she fall, is via binding her soul back to her body through the nether. This process would be extremely hard, and complicated.

Now, I feel a bit of explanation is needed. After all, this is a custom model we're discussing here, not just a special profile! These are dangerous, and must be put in the right hands. And I truly hope that you deem my own worthy. This whole story, began a few months back. I was new to CoTH and absorbingly in love with the prestige system. I read, and I read. And one day, a few days after I made Sangreala, I saw Belzerial in GMI. And from that day forward, I began Sangreala's grueling journey to becoming a Fel-sworn. I planned each step. And then in the end, to my sorrow, the prestige system was scrapped. Now, it was a shame, but a necessary step. But in my journey to begin her prestige training, I learnt that I wasn't doing it for the bonuses, or for the power... I made it, so she could become a distinct, and if not famous, villain. And of course, nothing caught my eye as a better tool to that, then the custom model that the prestige brought among with it. So slowly, I waited, and I plotted in shadows... Until you have the very request before you.

The character will be used oftenly! It will spark events and storylines, which I hope to keep up for a good time! And hopefully, in the end of it all? She will fall to the hands of good, in a climatic final battle. I thank you for reading this, and giving me some of your time. Should it be asked, I have a sixteen chapter story, (Initially for the prestige.) that is ready to be posted at any time after a few minor edits! With all my love and respect. - Psycho.


Player: Psycho.

Character Full Name: Sangreala Saumerian

Character In-Game Name: Sangreala

Nickname(s): Evil b***h.

Association(s): Herself. The Burning Legion (In secret.) The Horde.

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Warlock

Age: 120

Sex: Female

Hair: A bright crimson red, held in an organized 'bun' with several loose strands.

Eyes: Fel-green

Weight: 54 kg

Height: 1.50 meters


Sangreala wears various robes and the like. Her most common outfit would be a darkened robe with two cloth shoulder guards, that appear to have eyes drawn upon them. When in hiding, she will usually take simple black robes, a mask, and some gloves for her hands.

She's generally dressed in a wealthy manner, alongside two rings and a necklace.

Other: Sangreala's grin is at times very wide, and most eerie.

Alignment: Neutral Evil


Sangreala at most times could be described as a cold and obnoxious woman. She does so in order to ensure her own lonesome existence. Her paranoias and fears never let her have a single moment where her senses were dull. She is constantly looking out for dangers even if there are none.

Sangreala is also quite selfish and abusive towards others, she at most times despises society. She constantly searches out ways to improve her arts and self, she will go to any means to get what she desires be it death or seduction she will get there.


Sangreala was born into a rough existence but not by measures of wealth or her own health. Her mother passed away as she gave birth to her, making her father despise her from that moment. He constantly blamed Sangreala for the death of his beloved wife. As Sangreala grew in age and size, so did her father’s rage and sorrow. He started drinking and returning home late, sticking of alcohol and crying himself to sleep as he returned home. Sangreala still can't get the sound of that out of her head, the sound of her own father’s weeping over the death of his beloved wife.

Sangreala was a victim to her fathers rage most of her days, beginning in simply displays of hatred... He yelled and talked down to her in his drunk state, slowly turning to physical violence. Anything from a simple slap to her cheek to a full down beat down, she always had blue marks on her body because of her father’s beatings. Already quite weak and frail as her mind slowly began darkening, slowly growing to hate the light of day as she secluded herself from the world. She began hating the world to it's core, delving deeply into her studies, whatever form they may be.
She grew resentful of the world, her childhood and her road to maturity filled with constant pain and sorrow. Until that faithful day when she had turned seventy... Her father pleaded for forgiveness but to no success because Sangreala hated him. How dare he, after all these years, to simply ask for her to forgive him like that? After every beating and day passed by... She felt her rage simply overwhelming her, grabbing a knife from their kitchen and running it into his throat. The world felt dark and cold to her, as if she was truly alone.

Struck with grief and sorrow, Sangreala buried the corpse of her father in a desolate spot within the forests, living her life into maturity with constant fear, regret and paranoia as a prisoner to her own fears. Not much time has passed before she took refuge in the darker sides of society, turning to petty crimes and the occasional drink. It was at these times where a local criminal organazation, called The Flamedwellers took notice to Sangreala, offering her a tempting position at work for them. Sangreala took the offer with no moral regret, taking a position of a planner. She planned all sorts of crimes, and the pay was rather good. But it was far too little for Sangreala, and her ever growing greed. She began taking money on the side, earning herself a well kept amount. Eventually, the organazation caught on to her scheme, and began hunting her down. In panic, she fled to the woods with whatever money and supplies she could take. A week later, the third war broke out, and Quel'thalas was ravaged by the scourge. Sangreala met a group of three hunters, who all in turn helped her survive in the dangerous wilds. As a reward to them, once she was safe, Sangreala slit their throats in their sleep and run off.

Sangreala was beginning to lose her mind after the sunwell was destroyed, the thirst was simply overwhelming... She needed to quench it somehow coming only a day near suicide as the Blood Elves returned to Silvermoon from the outlands. The groups that returned from the damned worlds of the outlands presented her to a new form of energy after finding her in the forests, fel energy. Soon enough Sangreala not only quenched her thirst, she had begun to manipulate the demonic energies.
Sangreala continued her fearful existence, the manipulation of fel had not eased her... When she had heard of the events unfolding and the Sin'dorei's joining of the Horde she could not bear it anymore, her paranoia has taken the best of her as she fled Silvermoon at the cover of night. She was afraid the guards of Silvermoon would find out about the murder of her father and lock her in prison.

For several years Sangreala spent her time alone in the woods, accompanied only by the dark whispers in her head and the constant whistle of the wind in her ears until finally, she could not bear it, she required a place to stay... And so she had cautiously returned to Silvermoon in order to learn in secret there, spending most of her time in the Warlock Sanctum.

Several years passed as the events of Northrend began to unfold, Sangreala could not care less... She had sunken deep into her arts but she could not bear to stay in Silvermoon a second longer. Everything there had irritated her, the men flirted with her and the women despised her. She hated her own kin's arrogance and pride and simply left Silvermoon to find more ways to increase her own power and to break free of memories from the past.

Sangreala currently travels in her search of power and freedom from her body... Little did she know what laid for her in the near future...
... I don't know if I should be scared or excited. Maybe a bit of both.
Brewmaster vs. Fel-sworn


A heads up, it may aid with the approval process if you write a character profile for Sangreala and add it to the post.
There is one, on the wiki. Though it would be good to copy-paste it to here for quick reference.
I can vouch for this character's craziness. :D
As soon as my PC is fixed!
Edit! Added Sangreala's profile, according to Reigen's request!
I can vouch for Sangreala's sustained and very well played RP, as I was involved with it for months prior to the prestige system being scrapped

- Ikrok
Shameless self bump to cease the moment. My apologies.
Edit - Added a few skills and abilities, alongside more weaknesses to be had with the new 'form'. I know this might seem a bit too much, but it seemed to make sense with the transformation. If I did it wrong, do correct me!
I support the Fel-Sworny elf.

Use CMCACCOUNT05, password will be PMed when it's ready!