Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: [Advert] Anna Greene's Engineering
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A clean, organized, clearly written poster can be seen placed on the advertisement boards of inns in Hearthglen, Ratchet, Booty Bay and Stormwind.

[Image: logogfh.png]
Engineering Services, Trinkets, and Gadgets for Sale!

Goggles, to Gizmos, to Guns, to Grenades.

Miss Greene Can Work Tinkering Wonders...

And add a unique spin.

Worried About Undead? Demons? Your Own Ailing Body, or That of a Friend's?

The divine energies of the Light and the wonders of technology have met! Beautiful Healing Lamps, Holy Hand Grenades, Spell Guns, Shield Generators, Healing Potion Injectors!

Light knows what Miss Greene Might Think of Next!

Miss Greene Travels, But a Letter can Easily Reach Her.

The Business of Slavers and Other Ill Souls are Unwelcome. Any work commissioned by the Argent Crusade is, as always, free.

Sareen raised her still-able brow at the poster, her goggles scouring the poster for a brief moment.

"Somebody is a bit peppy..."

She takes up the poster, bringing it closer to her curious gaze.

"Magic too? Bah!..." She grumbled out in Zandali.

Sareen tosses the poster back where it was, letting it flutter in the air as she stomped off.

"Fuckers trying run me outta business."
((When you tear down a poster, you make a kitten sad.))
Shadovarn stares at a poster for a moment. Grinning, he pulls out a small black pen and scratches out the un part of unwelcome.
In fact, he does this to all posters he sees, "Well, this is fun."
The posters seem to be covered in a clear, thin synthetic material, designed to protect the paper from the humidity and frequent rains. While easily torn by trollish hands, any markings upon them wash off in the on-again-off-again torrents.
Sangreala walked through the bay, a light whistle on her lips. She stops at the sign, reading it in a most calm manner. She coughs lightly, setting her attire, and leaves the bay.

"Well, this is going to make my life -quite- difficult."
Doyle Lynch strays around and spots the poster. He lets off another trail of smoke and looks closer.

He walks away, shrugging.