Conquest of the Horde

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No, my school year isn't over that early (I wish it was). But no, to the real point of the post.

Would you guys (the server) like me to continue my spontaneous Events? Or, perhaps, would you like me to do more organized Storylines? Or, maybe you would just like me to do nothing? Give me your opinion above, so I know what to do.
I applaud whoever put "Please, keep trolling my forum!"

Anyways, bump. I want feedback.
Wow, seems like I'm more popular on the forums then I thought. Anyways, yea. I'll start doing some spontaneous events over the Weekends, prolly on Saturday around noon server time. Maybe devote sundays to storylines. Rest of my time to forums.
I almost voted option 3, but went with Storylines which I can help write if you want my 2 coppers.

Oh, no, by Storylines, I meant a series of events following a plot.
I am not going to express how tempted i was for you to keep trolling....
Either way, I like that idea better. >;+)
Youz plotz! Nowz!
I am! Jeez man!
Well, I just got the go-ahead from Rosen for a Storyline involving Grace, Argus Wake and subterfuge. Stay tuned, folks!

Also, I suppose this means that Storylines wins.
Woo! And it just might mean that *nod*
You remember this? Yea.

It's coming, don't worry. Everything will be fine.
Stories, if I can be involved.