Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Trainers in the Tradeskills Area
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Would it be easy to add the skill trainers into the tradeskills area? I just realized how much more convenient it would be to have the trainers RIGHT THERE. :)
I will consider adding them. They were purposely left out when I initially made the crafting area in the crater of Azshara, but since the Basin is a lot bigger... well, we'll see.
I'm going to suggest against this, as the trainers being in different parts of the world gives characters IC reasons to travel, and can be incorporated into RP. That's just my $0.02.
I see your point, Qaza! As it is, all I need do is run between the Basin and Orgrimmar/Stormwind, or Shattrath, so it's just bouncing back and forth. It's not a huge hassle, but it also doesn't really get me "out there". I also don't personally usually do my trades practice IC, since my mind's so deep into making the numbers synch up that I get really distracted.
While I can see Qaza's point, I think the trainers should infact, be added. Wouldn't the blacksmith's be more realistic with actual trainers in it? I don't think traveling come into it, its simple a tedious walk of loading screens to Orgrimmar or Stormwind. I do my trading's ICly, and craft the specific item in front of the customer. If the trainers were centralized in the Basin, I could conduct both RP and a my proffession grind from there.
You know, I utterfly forgot to mention that I do love the Basin as an RP area. I've already had two or three IC meetings "related to business" there, and they didn't even directly involve tradeskills.

As a "convenience factor" note, I eventually realized that the supplies vendors by the trainers I was using in Org had all the supplies, so I just ended up using those for my practice.
I have indeed been adding trainers. Rest assured!
Deeply, deeply appreciated! I really do super heart the tradeskill Basin.