Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Well, it's a me! Ghardiak!
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Well people, I've shared some of my problems with some of you lately, and it is time for me to say goodbye.

Life is swallowing me up, I barely had time for myself. Rugby Regional Championship led me to intentisve training, Tests in school, intensive studies, other games also helped to make me lose interest in WoW.

Basically, I lost interest in WoW for two reasons:
1- Other less time-consuming games.
2- Real life.

Here's the thing, after the restart, I really didn't feel like re-writting profiles for all my characters. So I started to drop them 1 by 1. RP isn't as interesting to me as it was, and really now, I've been playing WoW since I was 12(and I still suck at it), considering that I'm 16 now, it's been a while.

I would appreciate to keep in contact to all of you, so whomever haves MSN, knows me, or wants to add me, here it goes!

[email protected]

Hope to see your invites popping. Specially you Loxxy.

Goodbye everyone! I had a great time here, lots of laughs, maybe I'll pick it up again, but yeah /shrug, who knows eh?
But who shall I poke fun of now? D:

Best of luck with real life, bro! And you go and ace that rugby championship!
Don't get a...
Ghardiak Arrest.

I understand a bit of what you mean. Nonetheless though, goodbye Ghardiak!Hug
Take care Ghardiak! I enjoyed the few times we got to RP, and wish you the best of luck in everything you are trying to do!
I've never met you within the game, but best of luck with what you're doing!
<3 Sorry to see you go, Ghardiak.

Keep up on the bass! ^_^
See you around, noob.
