Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: TLE Presents: The Hallow's End Couples-Singles Party!
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(10-08-2011, 10:16 PM)Dukica Wrote: [ -> ]The actual problem is that American Sundays are European Mondays, hence I won't be really able to get into RP since I'm thinking about school and such. It's a busy time in my school, we've actually had 3 exams. School's kicking me in the gut so I maybe don't even arrive for more than a half an hour.

Awww. Not even during hours after school? D:
Crap. How late will this event go on till? I won't be home till around..eight Sunday night, but I really want to join in!
I hope to make the event, quite literally, all day. I noticed how RPers from Europe and further east of the US would be missing out on some of my RPs, including Dukica who plays Kapre's business partner. I hope to start the the event at 2 PM and proooobably end it around 1-2 AM. I have to set up an agenda for activities to take place during the party :). I hope those hours would include our non-US RPers, since I notice folks from the UK eastward would come on around hours I'd be in class.
*sees as an opportunity to actually get back into playing this server regularly*

Dunno who to bring though. D: May flip a coin. Or just by ratio of fem to male.

I'm trying to think of good gift ideas for the party, which will be won in the raffle and after the games. So far, I can only make jewelry and baked goods. But there are other gifts that can be given away... I just don't know what they could be and how I can attain them.
Get a GM to spawn them for you?
Maybe, but I'd like to know what those gifts could -be-. 8D

By far, I can only use Kapre's JCing and Tibalan's Cooking to make gifts. MAaaaaaaaaybe Dia can make some potions and say they're aphrodisiacs or something. I DON'T KNOW. I need gift ideas.
Send Kretol a message. Maybe he can donate something? :3

(like a big love rocket. :3)
I'm saving the Big Love Rocket for Love is in the Air 8D.

But I shall PM him. Thanks!
Bezington can make Engineering gifts.
Though I don't have it OOCly yet. So that's an IC reason, we need and OOC way to get stuff.

Baby chicks? Nooope, Bezington Whamml-... *stops with the Chuck Testa reference*
Updated the list. If it's possible, I'd also like to know if your characters would be dressing up or not, though it is entirely optional (I don't have a costume idea for Kenny, so he might just come in uniform).
Updated with a working agenda :)
Bezi will be costumed, I'll have to work on the robe though, I don't want a dress.
The party was a success! I've taken plenty of screenshots too, though I'm sure others have taken plenty as well!

Thank you all for coming and making this party possible. If it's possible, feedback is great so I'd know how to improve on how to run events in the future!
I demand to see these screenshots!
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