Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Houses around the world.
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I was actually wondering if anybody made a map with all the houses that are NPC-Free and furnitured on the server?

I'm basicly looking for houses a bit away from towns but these places are quite rare and after several searches, I can only find NPC-free houses and weirdly-furnitured houses really close to towns.
Well, it matters where. There are plenty in Ironforge, about one or two in Stormwind, and a few in Darnassus, then none in Darnassus. There's something in Auberdine, and a few other places. But where do you mean?
A few in Darnassus and none in Darnassus?
None in Exodar, I meant.
Well, it could be a little everywhere as I like all the alliance houses types, but mostly searching in Nelf territory or Dw0rf one.
And also a little out of town, but that's almost impossible to find it seems.
As a possible suggestion to the server, it would be nice to see more 'empty' but furnished houses dotted about the world map. It'd be nice for peeps to set up bases or even consider a location home, even if it is in the middle of nowhere...
Avitz Wrote:As a possible suggestion to the server, it would be nice to see more 'empty' but furnished houses dotted about the world map. It'd be nice for peeps to set up bases or even consider a location home, even if it is in the middle of nowhere...

I know of one GM(Rigley) who has been doing just that! I'm not certain on what he has done so far; maybe you should search around a few zones or ask him.:D
Hmmm, I think that I'll try to ask Rigley, thanks for the advice! ^^
If you're looking for houses check Elwynn and Westfall. Redridge and Duskwood will soon be joining that list once I'm done today!

There's some really awesome homes added in Elwynn. :o Just check to the west of Goldshire!
Wow... All the houses are great but that veeeeeery large one just by Goldshire is... Wow... Simply... I'm really impatient to see the next ones and I hope there will be some other huge houses! ^^
Maybe not -houses-, but maybe some camps can be spawned in wild Outland? Like Netherstorm, Zangarmarsh, Shadowmoon Valley?