Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: New Location: Ship (Of Night Elf design)
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Now, it might sound particularly strange but in this circumstance I'm required to improvise. As the only ship, however beautiful it may be, in Sunsail Anchorage is not a spawnable object, and for one of my characters who did some work on the High Elven Destroyers during the second war, I'm going to request having a Night Elven ship like the one which appears off the cost of the Ghostlands to be added to the list of RP locations of course in it's own custom area preferably away from visible land. This is purely for the design, and for Elven characters to have access to a boat with an acceptable construct.

I'm not sure if those ships are spawnable, to be honest. From what I've seen, only the normal human boats and the pirate ships can be spawned. I could be wrong, but that's just my observation!
I remember previously, when I first joined, there were extra Night Elf ships spawned. So, maybe it is.
Night Elven ships are indeed spawnable. We had one on GMI pre-restart.
I believe thus far we can spawn both Night Elven and Blood Elven ships, Forsaken and Icebreaker vessels, and tons of pirate ships.

And a turtleboat, which is (to be fair) superior to all.
Just ask anyone I'm voice chatting with. Everytime I'm in northrend and I see that boat, I yell out 'TURTLEBOAT'!

...If they are spawnable, I support more belf and nelf ships! They're prettier than ugly human boats.
One of every ship type as a RP area sounds fun.
I was told I wasn't able to get one of Blood Elf design by a GM :/ So I figured I would improvise.
We recently 'acquired' a ship of BElven design. It can be added at some point, in addition to a NElven one.

(Posted from teh phonez)