Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Akoni of Unu'pe [Tuskarr] [Persistant]
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Character Race: Tuskarr

Character Name: Akoni of Unu’pe

Character Class: Warrior

ModelID: 24382

Duration: Persistent

Purpose: To aid with the IC-Currency in popular port cities such as Booty Bay. I find myself often slipping into the role of playing only NPCs though, and wish to try to accomplish this goal while RPing an actual character.
Location of Residence: Being part of the Kalu’ak, Akoni is neutral. He prefers the Horde due to the similar shamanistic practices and beliefs, though, and favors Orcish lands. He also frequents neutral ports for obvious reasons, but enjoys traveling with allies if the opportunity presents itself.

Level: 80

Equipment?: None needed.

Additional Information: A permanent scale of 1.2, Neutral


Player: Rigley

Character Full Name: Akoni of Unu’pe

Character In-Game Name: Akoni

Nickname(s): -

Association(s): The Kalu’ak, the Horde. While an impartial party Akoni is only truly comfortable inside cities of the Horde and neutral ports, as he appreciates the Horde’s shamanistic roots more than those of the light-based Alliance. He is still able to enter Alliance land, though he does feel out of place.

Race: Tuskarr

Class: Warrior

Skills and abilities:

-Despite some apparent age Akoni is still a warrior, and is still quite proficient in battle.

-Akoni is a skilled fisher, and is able to generate a fair amount of wealth with his trade in port cities.

Age: 63

Sex: Male

Hair: Has an impressive beard and moustache of gray and some bushy brows.

Eyes: Hazel

Weight: 664 lb.

Height: 8’5”

Usual Garments/Armor: Akoni wears the usual trappings of his people, this being furs and leathers collected from the north. He tends to carry a great pack on his back, filled to the brim with his traveling supplies and wares. He also wears a special pendant enchanted with the elements, allowing him to negate the warmer climates of Azeroth to some degree.

Personality: Akoni is a Tuskarr, and firmly rooted in the traditions and beliefs of his people. He has a very stoic and sagely personality, although he can easily descend into cryptic speech if not pulled back from his babbling. Being a Tuskarr and a fisherman by trade he places an exuberant amount of emphasis on fishing and the sea in general. As a man of relatively good standing in terms of money (trading frequently in the ports he frequents) he is considerably generous, always eager to hire adventurers for his many tasks and endeavors. He comes off as rather peculiar to most, but coming from a different culture this is expected.

History: Akoni was born in the snowy landscape of the Borean Tundra, in a coastal village by the name of Unu’pe. Raised by his father to take after the cultural tradition of the fisherman he was deeply entrenched in the ways of his people, and took great pride in his skill in whaling and hunting on and off the sea. Despite being a staunch believer in the ways of the Tuskarr Akoni was nonetheless not without his peculiarities. He was a deeply curious man, always seeking to travel to the other villages with the tradesmen to fish elsewhere. In time he became a tradesman himself, easily able to adapt to a life of travel while selling the wares from his nights on the coast.

Akoni was married shortly after he began his life as a merchant, having become more than wealthy enough to support a family. For some time he lived in prosperity within Unu’pe, his travels abated as he remained at his dwelling to foster his family. As his two sons grew older he raised them as he had been raised, eagerly teaching them in the family trade and the ways of the Tuskarr. For some time life went on without any deviation and Akoni was for once content with this.

Unfortunately the frozen north was a land of conflict. While he did well to avoid troubles from the local Gorlocs, the coming of the Kvaldir brought unfavorable tidings. Since his prosperity’s peak his family had come to reside in the larger village of Kaskala, continuing to live there in relative ease. When the Kvaldir struck though, much was lost. The village was sent into peril, many of the villagers either scattered to the other villages or slain in the wake of the strange warriors of the mist. Akoni’s family in particular suffered with the loss of his wife and his eldest son, the latter being lost in battle in the defense of the village. Though willing to fight for vengeance Akoni fled to his origins of Unu’pe once more alongside the rest of the villagers, at the behest of the Tusklord.

Since then there have been many changes for the Kalu’ak and Akoni; he has seen the arrival and departure of ships from strange lands outside of the frozen north, and has spoken to many travelers seeking to aid his burdened people. Ever curious and deprived of his family which once bound him to the land, he sought to follow some of these travelers and learn more, for both the benefit of his people and his own curiosity. He followed a band of green skinned men to their fortress in the western side of the tundra, and from there found himself led along to a great city of stone. His friends and the family of his remaining son came to see him off, wishing him safe travels and imparting upon him a pendant fashioned by a shaman of his village which would grant him protection from the heat of the exotic lands he would surely visit.

With the kind graces of his people and a few departing gifts Akoni set sail by zeppelin to the south, bound for the great city of Orgrimmar.

Skyfin and Akoni need to team up.

To save the world. Of course.
Well, this is belated!

Requesting this be closed. While I did have a few ideas on this guy upon inception I'm afraid they weren't really that great in hindsight. I'd rather this get taken off so I can attempt something else instead.
