Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Magicfang Riptooth, the Rageheart of Arcane Hate [Gnoll Hedge Wizard][Persistent]
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Race of character/NPC: Gnoll (Draenei OOCly)

Class of character/NPC: Hedge wizard (Shaman OOCly)

Name of character/NPC: Magicfang Riptooth, the Rageheart of Arcane Hate.

Exact modelID requested: 3197. (Mosshide Mistweaver)

Duration that character will be used: Persistent

Purpose for the character/NPC: To have a somewhat harmless villain or some such pop up. Think of him as the comic relief of EVIL.

Location the character/NPC will reside: Where ever there is evil to be done. Probably more around the Human areas and if needed, down in the Vale.

Level requested: 80

Any special equipment needed: If it will show up, Amberseal Keeper

Player: Binkleheimer

Character Full Name: Magicfang Riptooth, the Rageheart of Arcane Hate.

Character In-Game Name: Magicfang

Nickname(s): Stupid, Stupid gnoll, You idiot, Light Damn You and He-Who-Piddles-Himself-While-Channeling.

Association(s): Gnolls all around the world. Until he speaks.

Race: Gnoll

Class: Hedge wizard

Skills and Abilities:
SPARKLY BLUE STUFF: He shoots lightning from his paws at his enemy. It hurts.
SPARKLY BLUE STUFF THAT JUMPS: He shoots chain lightning from his paws to his enemies. Like the lightning from before, it hurts. Unlike the lightning from before, it hurts many!
SPARKLY SHIELD: He creates a shield of lightning. It hurts when you hit him at close range
BURNYIP: He throws fire at his enemies. It burns and hurts.
HATEHATEHATE: He channels his hate in arcane destruction! Not that it actually does anything.
ME BASH: He swings his staff at his enemies. It tends to hurt.

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Weight: 179 pounds

Height: 5’

Usual Garments/Armor: Flithy robes.

Other: He brings the thunder. His staff enhances his spells a fair amount. Without it, his spells are considerably weakened but can still be seen as dangerous.

Alignment: Stupid Evil

Personality: Magicfang is a rather dumb gnoll. Believing that he must be the ultimate evil, or else, he strives to prove it at all times. Such wonderful examples come from him betraying his allies whenever he thinks it’s a good time for no reason at all, murdering children, robbing people on the road and eating kittens. He also works on assembling his own clan of the toughest and deadliest monsters in the world. He’s still working on that.

History: Magicfang was born in the hostile area of Elwynn Forest. A truly horrid place, full of horrid things, like humans. Son of the mighty Humanpuncher and Cowmuncher, his life was fairly secure in the clan with such a noble ancestry. Sadly for his parents, he was rather dumb. It’s not that he lacked intelligence; it’s that he has no wisdom or sense at all. To fix this, his parents did what they could. By that, they roughed him up and sent him away to become useful to the clan.

Thus, Magicfang, named Riptooth at the time, set out to find his true calling. He sat under waterfalls to meditate and learned nothing. He communed with the spirits of the world and failed to get a response. He even picked up a book and tried to read it. Too bad he was illiterate. Despairing at the thought of being permanently useless, Riptooth sulked on a tree stump in a glade, wailing a song of despair and agony. To anyone not a gnoll, it sounded like a dying wolf. It also caught the attention of a powerful wizard, who walked up to the glade to investigate.

Upon spotting the gnoll, he patted the creature on the shoulder, “Little gnoll, why are you making such awful noises?” Riptooth froze up, for he was being addressed by his greatest enemy: MAN. Like any good gnoll, he whipped around to punch the elderly man in the groin. The wizard fell to his knees in extreme pain, “You little shit! Now I’m going to fry you!” Before Riptooth could react, he was thwacked by the man’s staff and sent into the stump. His blurry vision focused on the elder wizard in the midst of a powerful spell. Riptooth prepared for the grisly fate that was bound to happen.

It never happened. The old man had a heart attack and died on the spot. Riptooth, glad at this fortunate event, looted the dead man’s body. Now armed with magic robes, a staff and a book, he set off to find his clan. Needless to say, they were all thrilled at his return and he was hailed a hero of the clan. To them, he was a god for killing such a powerful entity and bringing back spoils of war. To reward him, the clan hedge wizard took the book, burned it and made Riptooth, now dubbed Magicfang; snort the ashes to absorb the magic. Magicfang can no longer smell.

His magic training was grueling as he learned under the gruff gnoll. Every day, he had to wake up early and practice the incantations of various spells. His progress was considered remarkable. Little did anyone know, the staff was majorly boosting his abilities to a barely competent level. For Magicfang, everything was going well. He even had the eye of the chieftain’s daughter. But as things go, a few adventurers committed genocide against his clan as he was away picking berries to reach a spiritual plane with.

Before he could swear vengeance, he was approached by a gnoll from another clan, “Yip! Join me! Me powerful!” Magicfang studied the gnoll for a bit and decided that his logic was sound. After all, he had a real sword. Thusly, Magicfang joined the Darkhide clan as their wise man and spell caster. From them, he learned many things: Like how to cook a kitten to perfection, how to properly punch a baby in the face and above all, how to formulate a plan. He even heard tales of great evil from them, like how Bluecap slew one thousand gnolls and how Pokeyhat enslaved a whole region of gnolls and murlocs! One thing did stick with him from those stories; being evil means you get power.

So, he set off in the middle of the night, leaving his new clan to go and carve his own niche out in the world of Azeroth. He has yet to accomplish anything.
This is just... too great not to approve.

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