Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: soraace intro
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
I've Rped for a year, but I took a break from it since I was growing bored of it on the last server I was on. So I decided to take a year break from it until a friend of mind wanted to rp with me again and with that I am here with you guys. I'm mostly a nice person to rp with. I don't go around acting almighty and saying that I am the best person and can never be beaten. A person like that doesn't know how to rp and does not know how to earn the respect from the community.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I'm from the united states and my primary language is english

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Well I got into warcraft by first playing warcraft three. Then I slowly moved into WoW there and it just got me hooked into it.

What made you seek our server over others? (Or how did you find us?):
I would like to keep this a secret, but since your asking so nicely i'll say it. I friend of mine on here mentioned it to me and I thought "Meh i'll go back to rping here."

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I like most role playing stuff. The only types i don't like are the ones that make you lose your character or do permeable damage to the character like losing a limb or having your fingers cut off.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
Hmm favorite race. That is a bit of a tough one there. I would have to go with the gnomes. You might laugh at that, but they make great inventions and they are great friends to pretty much everyone. For the class i would have to go with the paladins. They just somehow intrigue me on how they get through things regardless how bleak it may seem.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect it to be a fun place and not one that everyone is constantly trying to kill everybody just to piss the community off.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
I actually like the tolerance rule you put up into the regulations. It just seems interesting because I never really seen it on any other servers i've been too and it makes me want to keep in mind what i'm about to type out on the server.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:

"Ok boys and girls it's story time so gather around." said the old man in the rocking chair. "Yay story time" all the little kids yelled as they come running around the old man jumping up and down trying to get close to him trying hear the story he told.

"Alright alright calm down you whippersnappers. This old geezer isn't going anywhere" He slowly started rocking back and forth as the children started to sit down, but they were acting a bit jumpy with excitement for what the old man to tell his story to them.

The old man stopped rocking in his chair. Ok, this little story takes place long ago in this land. This place was once beautiful. It was lush and fertile. Animals ran wild in this land and the people in this land were great and powerful. They used magic to build their cities and the cities were magnificent. One day though a man with his army came to this land and when he saw it he wanted it destroyed so that his own cities would be the best. He sent his army to destroy the cities and the denizens of the cities fought back.

This conflict lasted for years and the man who brought his army to destroyed the all of the cities but with a very high cost. When he destroyed the last city an old man walked up to him and asked him why he destroyed all the cities. The man replied saying that he wanted his own to be the best. The old man laughed at him and said that any city may look fantastic, but what makes it grand and majestic is its' people.

The man looked at the old man with concern on his face and asked him why he was telling him this stuff. The old man laughed again at him and asked him when was the last time he saw his own cities. The mans' eyes widen and rushed back to his own cities as fast as he could. When he got there his own eyes could not believe what happened to his own cities. They were empty. The buildings were covered in dust and windows were broken. As he looked at the land surrounding the cities he saw that it was barren. The land was dead and the animals were dead from diseases.

The people of the man's cities had left them. They had grown tired of all the death and destruction that the man and his army had caused and left his cities to move onto better ones.

The man fell to his knees yelled out in agony for what he had brought. He could still hear the old man's laughter in his head as he drew his sword and took his own life.

The children stared up at the old man in the chair in wonderment of the story. "Now run along kids. This old man needs to rest. My old bones ache they do not feel well." Slowly the children got up and left the old man in his chair and they heard the slow creaking of the rocking chair as the went off to play.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
There isn't really anything I want to clarify. I believe most of your rules here and understand them. I just can't wait to see what the server is like to rp on.
Hello there soraace, and welcome to CotH.

If you haven't done so yet, it's worth glancing over our Wiki to take a look at the rules, see our guidelines for making a character and perhaps even look over a few approved profiles while you're there.

Thank you for the story... time. I wonder about what kind of kids just smile and nod at a tale like that.

I hope you enjoy your time here. Do feel free to PM me if you have any further queries. I'll try and answer to the best of my ability.
Thanks for the welcome and there is always that off chance that some kid would be smiling by the end of that kind of story.