Conquest of the Horde

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The Goresight Vanguard

“What does it mean to serve? To serve your people? Your family?

Do you prostrate yourself before them, make yourself weak so that they may feel grand? Do you set yourself forth, obeying every little wish and whim?

You are no slave...

Rise, champions! You serve the -Horde-! Not as its slave but as it’s greatest warriors. You do not bring yourself low but instead raise your head high! Wield your axe against the world’s demons that dare attempt to tear us down! Fight with every muscle contained in your strained person! And should it come where your throat is slit, spit a wad of blood into the face of the dishonorable bastards and know that you fought, that you lived, and you will die with -Honor-!

Lok’tar Ogar, Victory or Death! These are the words that bind my life to the Horde, and should it die then so shall I, and should it flourish I will as well!

Now I ask you, have you come to serve the Horde?”

Duron Bloodaxe,
General of the Goresight Vanguard


The Goresight Vanguard is an order of service dedicated to the well being of the Horde. Funded by various patrons across Durotar, the Vanguard moves to combat threats to the New Horde’s way of life. All members of the Vanguard stand as a regiment of Warriors ready to give their lives to this Truth. Life is not thrown away needlessly, however. When engaged in conflict, the members of the Vanguard can rest assured that their Demolisher loving leader has poured over strategies and plots to hopefully give them the upper hand in battle. (Not that they need it. You guys make an Orc proud.)

Decrees of the Vanguard

Without saying, all OOC rules of the Server apply to us as well. We treat one another with respect and all aim to have a good time just rping and creating stories together as a unit. ICly, while there is a chain of command, complete obedience is never required. It is requested that you speak your mind more often than not as you may have something useful or awesome to say (like the Peon Chef that gave us our most recent battle plans without knowing it.) Respect is essentially the big rule. If you do not respect your Warlady or your Brothers/Sisters in arms, you have no reason to be on a battlefield with them; meaning, this guild is probably not for you. If your character is willing and able to help out, and doesn’t mind being delegated a few tasks, then this is probably a good spot for you to have some fun. The Warlady would like everyone to feel involved in this Brotherhood/Sisterhood/Party of Horde. If there is any conflict between the members it will be mediated by a neutral member in good standing. Essentially, you hooligans better get along as best you can or I’ll turn this demolisher around.


“Boss is te best, neva ‘ad so much fun or food.”
- Tusin (Demolitions Expert)

Unlike other Horde paramilitary groups, the Goresight sees possibility in all members of the Horde, and thus in turn it happily accepts people from all walks of life so long as they have an interest in serving the Horde. Old Horde members (Orcs, Tauren and Trolls) will be looked upon with the most favor given the strong racial ties that have been forming for many years past. For the newer races, however (Blood Elves and the Forsaken) they will be met with an air of suspicion and may find themselves out casted for a short while before their utmost trust could be earned from the majority. This does not mean that they are unwelcome, however. The Vanguard strives to create an environment where every-one's specialties are respected and utilized.

As for the case with classes, the Vanguard remains open to all walks. Even those who would be thought to be vile warlocks would be welcomed, though they would be well-monitored given that the many enemies that rise to offend the Horde are often demons or their fel-tainted minions.

The Vanguard is always open for recruitment. If you would like to get involved or have any questions in general, please feel free to PM ChampionMouse over the forums or just show up at one of our events. We’ll be happy to have you around even if it isn’t a guild you’re looking for. We like friends.


"All de waters of de ocean would fail to douse de fires in deir spirits. It's... admirable, to say de least."
~ Mokaku (The Elementalist)

Warlady: The efforts of the Goresight Vanguard are led by the Lady Goresight herself. She holds the highest command within this paramilitary group.

Worg: These are the Generals/Right Hands of Lirshar and the Vanguard. Each one of them has proven themselves worthy of respect and has gone above and beyond the call of duty in Lirshar’s eyes. Their wisdom is valued and they are often called on as advisors or leaders on the battlefield. Current Worgs consist of Duron Bloodaxe, Dagrim Stormblade, Mokaku, and the recently promoted Tusin.

Pack-Members: These are trusted members of the Vanguard that have established themselves as worthy allies. They have participated in at least three battles with their compatriots and are no strangers to the field.

Pups: These are the newest members. They haven’t gotten the chance to fight too much with the Vanguard yet, but are in the position where they have a lot of room to grow and demonstrate their prowess.

Guild Attire

Appropriate guild attire really consists of what you feel is appropriate for your character. Just remember that we are in a War Zone more often than not, so you’ll probably want to dress accordingly. There is a Guild Tabard available for those that wish to sport the colors and symbol of the Vanguard, but it is not mandatory. We do ask that you try and keep things reasonable (i.e. No super glow/mega awesome!) for the sake of immersion, but nobody will ever outright criticize you in a mean way as that violates the respect rule. Besides, who knows what kind of treasure we will find on our outings?

Event Info

All of our events will be announced beforehand over the various chat channels/over the forums. Anyone, even non-guildies are welcome to attend so long as you are of a Horde race. Depending on the nature of the event and how many people show up, the system used will vary. Sometimes we may roll, sometimes we will trust things out: sometimes a combination of both. Nothing overly complicated, however. Things will tend to be turn based so that our event holders can more easily keep track of who is doing what. The plot is always open ended and nothing is ever set in stone. I run all of my events usually based off of what my players tend to do. What does that mean? It means you control the story! You could be heroes! Or, you could do something epically terrible and make an awkward situation for everyone! The choices are endless!

In between major events, I am open to providing plot information for characters who chose to go out and investigate things as well, so keep that in mind if you ever want your character to be working on something such as magic rituals/explosive adventures/murder mystery...I don’t know. Get creative. It’s rp.

“No enemy will ever take the heart and pride of the Horde. By steel, blood, and fire I swear to you that our tomorrow will come. They cannot vanquish us, they cannot conquer us. Let them come, for they will only know determination in our eyes. We will give them nothing else.”

- Warlady Lirshar Goresight

((The official guild write-up is here finally. Coming soon: pretty, pretty pictures by Krilari! Oooh! That's right, be in awe!Tongue))
Attack on the Cabal's Nagrand Base!

The time has come, friends and Warriors of the Horde. With the Zeppelin built, some bombs aquired, and a rather decent amount of parachutes stitched together; we're ready to invade the Cabal's Nagrand base from the sky!

The plan has been made and all we need is you. So. If you're a Goresight Vanguard member or just a Hordie looking for wild and crazy adventures to go on, this may be a good event for you. There will be heavy combat, but also some tricksy puzzles if I have my way. Mwhahaha. Haha. Hah. Er...right!

With that said, I'm looking for at least 10 people to get this event going. I've talked to a few that said this Saturday would be good, but for others it is not. If you are interested, or have specific times that would be better for you: let me know! Also let me know if you just want to come in general. <<;

Lok'tar Ogar 'n stuff!
This post was made because Mouse has no friends. (I'm coming to the event.)
Oh thank goodness! XD
[Image: 129023329572695573.jpg]
Any Hordie can join ?
I'm considering getting either Gok'tar or Drak'tor.
When is it, again?
Yarr! Any Hordie can join! The more the merrier. I was thinking this coming Saturday, but I don't have a specific time yet because I wanted to make sure at least like ten people could come/I wanted to make sure I picked a time that worked for people.

Can also wait until next Saturday if that works better for people. Just need to speak up!
Well I'm more concerned onto the timezone difference, considering I'm GT+2, and the server's GT-8.
Chu can be sure Ah'll be dere. Afta' all, sumone gon' 'ave ta kee' dem pups in check!
You know I'm going.
This makes me a sad panda Orc thing, but I'll have to postpone the event due to real life circumstances beyond my control. If next Saturday or even some random week day work better for people, let me know.

Sorry guys.
How DARE you have real life. I can't believe you!

Hope everything's okay. <3
So. Let's try this again. :P

Hi. I'm Mouse. And I'm a noob who has terrible problems with planning things for specific times. I would like to start trying to throw regularly scheduled events every other Monday because that would coincide best with my real life shenanigans. Not sure on what time exactly, I was hoping to hear back from those of you interested in attending or just hanging out and rping with us!

Also, I want to get to know more of you. I realized that I have a tendency to be shy and stick with my close buds. I love them, but I would like to branch out more. I won't bite, so please feel free to pm me or say hi in game. <3


Eventz? Mondayz? Does dis not work for anyone? Does this interfere with anyone else's planz?
Works for me!

But, I can't join in until I get my computer fixed! D:
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