Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Eltharasza [Red Drake] [Persistent] [Thats right!]
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You heard me! I am going to try this! Kretol said I am free to post it, and Nexi has looked it through. Wish me good luck! Beer

P.S: I also wish to ''deactivate'' the Rhaemus Valgar, Wraith profile. No longer interrested!

Race of character/NPC: Red Dragon, OOC and humanoid form blood elf.

Class of character/NPC: OOC and partially IC Priest.

Name of character/NPC: Eltharasza, in humanoid form called Elthara.

Exact modelID requested: 6371

Duration that character will be used: Persistent

Purpose for the character/NPC: I want to encourage some ''heroic'' RP as an advisor type character. Rarely seen fighting inperson, she provides intel and reports. She can also work as an ambassador.

Location the character/NPC will reside: Mostly Blood Elven lands such as Eversong. Also Wyrmrest Temple and Red Dragonshrine but can be encountered all around Azeroth.

Level requested (Must be a normal level; 1-80): 80

Any special equipment needed: None

Profile Shortened(Maybe):

Player Name: Dareksar

Race: Red Dragon

Name: Eltharasza, Usually called Elthara in humanoid form

Nicknames: The Observer

Humanoid form: Blood Elf

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Red Dragonflight, Wyrmrest Accord, Alexstrasza.

Class in humanoid form: Priestess

Age: Drake

Skills and Abilities: Can fly with wings, can breathe fire, can change into a humanoid and so deceive mortals, can use some light magic as a humanoid.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Residence: Wanders around, doing as much good as possible. Wyrmrest Temple.

Describe her personality by one word: Observant.

Appearance: In dragon form, Eltharasza is a magnificent being. Shining red scales cover her body. Her eyes are wise, yet young. They have seen many things most mortals have not. Her wings are quite long.
As a humanoid, she has glowing green eyes, a silvery skin and white, long hair. She usually wears white robes.
In dragon form it is rather impossible to say exactly how tall or long she is, but in humanoid form she is about 2 meters and weighs 97 kilograms.

Personality: Eltharasza is rather much drawn to mortals. She finds them fascinating and likes to watch what they do. She also shares the Red Dragonflight's compassionality towards mortals.
She is also rather proud, but most likely when met is very friendly. Out of the mortals of Azeroth Eltharasza likes the blood elves the most. Perhaps it is their beauty. She loves to stroll the lands, blending into the mortal world.
Eltharasza usually guides people who are in need.

Recent history: Rarely has Eltharasza been forced to kill anyone. She mostly observes things from afar and strolls in the mortal world in her humanoid form.
The latest thing she has taken act in is the assault on the Blue Dragonflight. It has not brought her happiness. She respects all dragons, except the black flight, the most her queen Alexstrasza.

Points why this could be playable: Red Dragons seldom kill anyone. Nearly never. I want to play mostly in humanoid form and usually not reveal my dragonhood. Also, I propably ndont fight, but rather guide and give information.

I am also not talking about a huge, -DRAGON-, this is a drake.
Sorry, a small addition. Dont read yet, the appearance part is missing. :D
I always awaited the day someone who'd have the gall to RP a dragon. Go for it!
You don't have her age.
It is there. She is in the drake ''phase'' of growth. Furthermore there is no information on exact dragon ages in numbers.-
Eh? Is this seriously such a doomed idea that you cant give me more advise or comments? Scared
... Well it's a dragon.

... It's very unlikely to be accepted.
I think he'd like either a definitive "no", or feedback.
It is Kretol's choice to say no or not.
No hard feelings. My feedback is a big NO! The history is just... It's completely lacking HUGE events that would have affected her greatly. I would quote most of the things i see unfit and unfitting but i'm on my cellphone. Basicly i find mary sueness in the appearance, but it's maybe just me. Even for a drake the app is completelu unsufficient. It's up to Kretol, but if it was me, i'd say no. Still.. Good luck and don't lose hope. You can always try again.
I left off many major historic events for a few reasons, which out of two I will mention:

1. Many of the major events that have affected the dragons have happened BEFORE Eltharasza has been born. I want to emphasize that this character is not a fully grown, immense powerful dragon (Even though, without doubt, all dragons possess a lot of power).

2. Many of the major events have been armed conflicts, in which the character has no interrest in.

Even though these factors affected my profile, I will take your comment into consideration and try to improve. As for the appearance, I believe that most dragons look pretty much the same in drake form, and I would much prefer not having something like torn wings etc. Beat Up
Archiving for now (player inactive).