Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: NaNoWriMo!
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Holy crap, you guys, it's November! Do you know what this means? It means Flammeschmieden is going to participate in a wild romp of literary abandon called National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short!

So, what does this mean for CoTH?

It means that, while I won't be ignoring CoTH for the entire month, I will not be on it as often while I churn out my daily word goal (1667 words a day can be hard to do sometimes!) and start up Write Ins as a Municipal Liason-in-training. In other words, writing this crazy 50k word story will be my center focus for the month.

This is my sixth year doing NaNoWriMo, and I've only "won" reaching the 50k word mark last year. This year, I refuse to let myself come up short! I usually write some sort of Fantasy story, but this year I'm doing something a little different. I'm going to be writing Fanfiction set in the Exalted tabletop setting.

Yes, this means that a character very well may perfectly parry a thrown city.

I am very passionate and excited this year about this. That said, I might need your help in keeping me motivated! If you see me logged into any of my characters (listed in my signature), ask me if I've reached my daily word goal. If I haven't, demand I log off or else you'll do horrible things to me!

Wish me luck, guys!

EDIT: Here's the link to my novel thing!
I'm doing this too!


I need writing buddies...

Edit: This one is mine. Hurr, still figuring the site out.
Wow, I had no idea other CoTHians would be doing this also! I guess I shouldn't be surprised. XD

I'll update my post with a link to my novel thing.
Good luck and have fun!

... I've added all of you to my writing buddy list (or whatever the proper term is)!
I've got most of you from years past already, but:
Hey, good luck y'all!

(:O When did November get here?!)
Well, NaNoWriMo was a pretty crazy year for me. My SAD decided to kick my butt early this year so I lost a lot of days not writing, causing me to not "win" this year (although I do plan on finishing my story). CoTH became something I ignored out of guilt, which I am sorry about. Although I did do well in my training to be a Municipal Liaison for next year since the former one is stepping down. Running an entire region of novelists next year with a partner is going to be crazy stuff, but thankfully I have an entire year to not worry about it.

I so missed RPing with you guys. I'm back now.
Yay! /cling <3 Sorry it didn't go as well as you hoped.