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Greetings, friends

For those of you who have kept up with my ramblings since they began on this blog, you'll remember an older post of mine regarding the centralized hub idea.

Well, I still like the sound of that.

I've decided then to bring up the question once more; Trolls, Carnies, or perhaps something more mechanical? I'm going to make a poll above to see if I receive any numerical influence, because as of now I have a legitimate interest in either of these ideas. First, I'd like to get the pitch out of the way...

RP Hub?

The idea with the Neutral RP Hub is to create a centralized area out of which most of my events can be hosted and geared around. This benefits not only the events by grounding them in a similar theme and setting, but also the area itself by (hopefully) injecting RP into the place through the hub's presence. My intent is to create a place which I can keep 'active' in a way, and hopefully branch out from there.

The choices are I’ve been playing with are:

The Mistwalker Tribe

The Mistwalker Tribe was an idea hatched from the original Mistwalker Tribe which was placed in Azshara Crater pre-restart.

Basic Ideas:
-Strong tribal structure
-Lots of troll influence; big focus on trollish society's ideals.
-Good/neutral alignment: little warlock/DK/etc. involvement.
-Village structure: Players can join as fellow villagers if proven in event participation.
-Daily events focus around village life
-Larger storylines will deal with troll mysticism and spirituality; other troll tribes.
-Dungeoneer takes place as a journey to find relics of magical interest to the village elders and spellcasters.

Big idea:
-Tribal structure which players may gain footing in and advise the NPC leadership.

The Shadowgrin Carnival

This idea came about when trying to figure out a good magical group, but also one that would be morally gray. I've always loved the dark circus kind of motif, so I decided to play with that in this idea; a carnival which is always going and entrenched in morally unsound magical manipulations. My favorite part of this is how much it could expand out-- though the obvious cons are that it has a great deal of reliance on the playerbase to make it fun, which could backfire if there is little support.

Basic Ideas:
-Strong neutrality: No bias to faction or race from NPCs
-Accessibility: Easy to come and go, NPC members are generally welcoming
-Good mobility: May station outposts elsewhere for event interest.
-Great focus on magic and gray morality: Allows all characters participation.
-Businesslike structure: Players may become fairground businessmen and inhabit the carnival as well.
-Daily events focus on preparing acts and performances; arena fights, etc.
-Larger storylines are in seeking fairground improvements, etc.
-Dungeoneer: finding magical components, etc.

Big idea:
-Importance placed on player creativity and participation to create the fairground environment. Players can perform acts, make games, etc.

The Council of Gears

I know. Just bear with me here.

I love engineering. I love gnomes, goblins, and diver-suits; I've always been completely entranced by steampunk and the technology of warcraft in general, but unfortunately I've never really made this into a real storyline. The closest I ever reached was Mimiron's, which unfortunately failed due to my absence during the start.

Which still haunts me.

That being said, I -loved- the premise of Mimiron's. The idea of a player-influenced leadership, an expanding and improving base, the general ideas for the storylines and events within-- all of them were just -awesome- to me. I'd love to see something actually come of that, but I'm not certain if I've trashed the interest on such an idea due to my blundering with the Anchorage. This will be what I had intended Mimiron’s Anchorage to be, though likely ground-based instead of floating on the ocean.

Basic Ideas:
-Strong neutrality: No bias to faction or race from NPCs
-Accessibility: Easy to come and go, NPC members are generally welcoming
-Good mobility: May station outposts elsewhere for event interest.
-Focus on scientific ethics over any real alignment
-Businesslike/village structure: Players may inhabit the area ICly if approved by the village.
-Daily events focus on preparing experiments and getting resources
-Larger storylines involve big experiments, biohazard releases, scientific abominations, etc.
-Dungeoneer: Acquiring components for experiments.

Big idea:
-Expanding area. Area starts as a single structure and tents and expands with player participation. Players may also be part of the company and gain footing in ranking.


Anyways, these are the options I'm weighing. As usual I have some locations already thought up for possible use depending on the hub I go with, but that's subject to change for now. I may update later expounding upon what locations are viable, though you can refer back to the previous post for an idea of that. I'd also like to make everyone aware that this will all be finalized when I return, and no sooner; thus I'll be able to devote my attention to this hub when and if it starts, unlike past forays that were deployed right before my biyearly departure.

I'd really like to hear from you guys! Give me your feedback, tell me what you like and don't like, give suggestions, or just tell me your thoughts on the neutral hub.

To clarify I may not necessarily go with whatever has the -most- votes, but I will pay attention to the idea discarded the most and the way the votes swing. I don't mean to insinuate that the votes don't matter, but as this is going to be a lot of my effort I may want to choose one idea over another if the votes are close. As well, this is largely hypothetical for the time being, though I will be pressing to try and make one of these. There's always the possibility of one of the ideas being shot down higher up, heh.

So, post and vote away. Thanks!
Hngh, why vote on only one? I can't decide between Shadowgrin and the Council of Gears.
It's more decisive that way!
Of the three above, I like the Mistwalker idea the best, mainly because it would provide a nice outlet for CoTH's rather large troll population.

I wanna throw out an idea for another option, if you are interested. The idea of a wild west town has been thrown around before, but usually as a means to create a "lawless" environment. In reading two of the options above (Mistwalker Tribe and Council of Gears), I thought about the old west, and the cross between the industrial expansion of the new America colliding with the traditional values of the Native Americans. Since Azeroth has a race representing native american culture in the Tauren, and the mining and industrial nature of the Dwarves being similar to that period of American history, I think it would be sweet to make a very tenuously neutral town with both races sharing control. At the very least, they could make up most of the population and a Goblin could comprise of the leadership. Tauren would provide commerce related to food and clothes and even fine trinkets, and Dwarves provide blacksmithing as well as gems. The trade of gems for the tauren jewelery could even be the connection that is the reason the town exists. Thoughts/opinions?
Unfortunately I don't have much interest in a wild west motif, and if I really don't want to touch the idea of a lawless town (though I realize that isn't what you intended to ask).

To clarify, I personally am not as attracted to the idea; it has merits, as honestly a wild west-esque town would be rather easy to make visually, and so forth. I believe some interest should be here in my part as well, so I can really immerse myself in the work-- It's hard to commit yourself to an idea that doesn't appeal to you, you know?
I have great difficulty choosing between the last two. Think I'm going for option three. Rigleyness and engineering and stuff.. Just a good match.
I totally understand. And seeing the work on locations you've done, I'd rather you focus on the ones you enjoy! :D
I notice that the Shadowgrin Carnival seems to be getting the most votes; I'll stress for consideration that if people are placing interest that they're going to have to follow through with it, should this come to fruition. Part of the fun of a carnival is seeing all of the oddities and amazing performances, which is hard to do if no one actually comes and performs!

I'll openly admit that my own leaning is towards the C.O.G. and Carnival ideas, since they really have my interest captured. I'd love to get more input both in votes and in posts here though, so chime in!
Troll love.

I am looking forward to performing for the carnival.
Made a Forsaken for it and everything. :D
A certain blind Forsaken fiddler might finally find a niche in the Carnival! Yay!
Perhaps I'll bring Don back as a circus performer, shooting his guns in an entertaining manner for... Well, entertainment. :3
Mistwalker Tribe - I do love trolls, out of all races in Wow they are actually the one race that is closest to my heart. (Fooled ya dere dinn' aye?!) But to me part of their allure is their xenophobic nature and taboo categorized culture and I don't see these key elements to be viable with an open RP hub that should allow most characters to be around.
Why would the trolls allow these non-trolls to be around and why would a troll ever let a non-troll know and learn their magic? Loa speak only wit da wise, wi troll!
Why would someone that isn't a troll stay around to watch or risk being part of these practices? Not everyone can be an anthropologist. Even orcs who has come close in gruesome practices have agreed that troll-culture is wrong.
BUT if this was made as a hub for troll RP and the odd and rare non-troll, I'd be down for it.

Shadowgrin Carvinal - The idea works well with my imagination and I see some promise within the idea. What I find odd is that it should have a focus on gray morality but at the same time be open to "all" characters, two concepts I don't see merging. The goody-two-shoes characters with a spine wont stand for actions that can be interpreted as anything but good.
BUT it might be a more viable ground for those evily characters to RP compared to the failures in the Catacombs as an example.
What I fear is that relying on player's creativity will be the downfall of such a project, either causing major drama about who got or gets to do what or just lack of interest, or both.

Council of Gears - I tried tagging along on the Anchorage, but sadly I never got the appeal cause when I was around it was always a draenei or tauren running around on their motorbike and a warlock enjoying somewhere to summon his pets freely. Yet of all the ideas you describe Rigley, THIS is the one I find most appealing and the one I believe has most promise.
Science and mek offer the most neutral foundation out of the three ideas which is a good start and the level of sofistication can be trimmed to fit most characters interests. Be it the development of a more effective shrapnel-cannon-ball or a way to increase the effect of the gnomish transmogajigg or even alchemists discussing the best way to prepare a love-potion!
I cannot promise devotion or activity, just that I'd definitly pop around to this place if it becomes "reality" when I have RP-time to spare.
The carnival. I want Sagi to perform. /casts menacing glance towards Duraza.

And I myself may contribute with a certain minstrel-engineer that built herself an electric lute/proto-guitar that aims to melt faces off. Could also contribute with a Brewmaster if there's a demand for such.

But yeah, it'd be fun.
Thanks for the feedback, first off!

(11-08-2011, 03:32 AM)Bovel Wrote: [ -> ]Mistwalker Tribe - I do love trolls, out of all races in Wow they are actually the one race that is closest to my heart. (Fooled ya dere dinn' aye?!) But to me part of their allure is their xenophobic nature and taboo categorized culture and I don't see these key elements to be viable with an open RP hub that should allow most characters to be around.
Why would the trolls allow these non-trolls to be around and why would a troll ever let a non-troll know and learn their magic? Loa speak only wit da wise, wi troll!
Why would someone that isn't a troll stay around to watch or risk being part of these practices? Not everyone can be an anthropologist. Even orcs who has come close in gruesome practices have agreed that troll-culture is wrong.
BUT if this was made as a hub for troll RP and the odd and rare non-troll, I'd be down for it.

The Mistwalkers are basically a tribe set down under the basis that trolls are simply destroying themselves with their fragmentation and frequent wars. They're effectively attempting to avoid the possibility of that path, and as they are only now just settling down would also like help with fully entrenching the village in the crater. Their efforts to teach the non-trolls is less of attempting to fully teach them troll mysticism and more of a way for them to understand more about their tribe and culture, which they are concerned may eventually fade away with empires dying and trolls being raised by and around orcs now.

They also don't adhere completely to the darker aspects of troll religion, being taken under the wing of the Earthshakers and all.

(11-08-2011, 03:32 AM)Bovel Wrote: [ -> ]Shadowgrin Carvinal - The idea works well with my imagination and I see some promise within the idea. What I find odd is that it should have a focus on gray morality but at the same time be open to "all" characters, two concepts I don't see merging. The goody-two-shoes characters with a spine wont stand for actions that can be interpreted as anything but good.
BUT it might be a more viable ground for those evily characters to RP compared to the failures in the Catacombs as an example.
What I fear is that relying on player's creativity will be the downfall of such a project, either causing major drama about who got or gets to do what or just lack of interest, or both.

Eh. I may have explained the idea of the morality-- The carnival isn't meant to be evil, but it certainly shelters those that the goodies would call evil. It itself doesn't create nefarious schemes, but they don't care if a rather dark group happens to be having a chat away from the crowds. Above all they just want to entertain and, partially, have a place that allows them to roam free (since I know for certain that the ringmaster and a good few NPC presences there will be of the darker class variety).

I am very concerned as to if it will keep its steam, though-- As I said part of the big picture here is player involvement, so if interest wanes it may end up seeming somewhat lifeless. :c

(11-08-2011, 03:32 AM)Bovel Wrote: [ -> ]Council of Gears - I tried tagging along on the Anchorage, but sadly I never got the appeal cause when I was around it was always a draenei or tauren running around on their motorbike and a warlock enjoying somewhere to summon his pets freely. Yet of all the ideas you describe Rigley, THIS is the one I find most appealing and the one I believe has most promise.
Science and mek offer the most neutral foundation out of the three ideas which is a good start and the level of sofistication can be trimmed to fit most characters interests. Be it the development of a more effective shrapnel-cannon-ball or a way to increase the effect of the gnomish transmogajigg or even alchemists discussing the best way to prepare a love-potion!
I cannot promise devotion or activity, just that I'd definitly pop around to this place if it becomes "reality" when I have RP-time to spare.

The Anchorage was kinda a disaster. But, I still would really like to revisit the premise and try it again. I love tech! I also like the idea of something that is partially player created-- though they would be coming to a new settlement that has already been established it would consist of only a few objects; the players would have to participate in sidequests and events to get the place expanded out (more homes, workshops, so on)

I'm perfectly fine with the carnival though; What I'd really like to do is give you guys some pictures of the possible layouts of these, which I -might- be able to do if Kretol lets me on the test server to try them out.

Thanks again! I really appreciate your thoughts.
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