Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Aezora [Succubus][Persistent]
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Race of character/NPC: Succubus.
Class of character/NPC: Rogue.
Name of character/NPC: Aezora.
Exact modelID requested: 20387.
Level requested: 80.
Any special equipment needed: N/A.
Duration that character will be used: Persistent.
Location the character/NPC will reside: With Tarai, as a rule of thumb. Her disguise and her mistress being human, she is unlikely to go anywhere else, least of all a Horde settlement.

Purpose for the character/NPC:

To serve as Tarai's minion. She would be involved with Argus Wake through Tarai, subtlely nudging the group towards Legion affiliation. Not the most stable of companions, Aezora would likely often roam about the general vicinity of her mistress' place of residence, disguised, looking for prime victims to prey on. Particularly if those victims happen to have any sort of connection to Tarai. It's just how she is.

Appearance, Personality & Past:

In terms of measurements, Aezora is racially average. Standing at 5’8” and weighing within the region of one hundred and fifty pounds, she is around the size of most human females. Groomed, dark hair arrives in a bob at her shoulders in her true form, and her skin is a pale shade of Prussian blue. Leathery, bat-like wings remain folded at her back, and her tail is lined with row upon row of fine barbs. The same is true of her legs, which end in a pair of cloven hooves. Those luminescent eyes of hers glow with an arresting, preternatural quality, and her facial features are sharp and chiseled, rendering her with an air of stern and forceless authority. Her horns are narrow and spiral backwards, resembling a ram’s.

Aezora’s human disguise carries her signature traits, sans the demonic. She wears fine, ornate fabric and is richly adorned in gaudy jewelry.

For as long as she cares to remember, Aezora has been little more than a mote in the Legion’s all-consuming sea of power. Though her existence has spanned the invasion of a myriad planets, she was no frontline soldier. Her particular brand of talents lent her to being useful in more subversive endeavours, were she called upon at all. Never was her role prominently important or vital, mostly attrition. Aezora’s devotion to the Burning Legion hasn’t shaken in all her years – a healthy mixture of fear of the consequences of defecting, and a natural predilection for inflicting pain, have solidified her dedication to her demonic overlords.

As with most demons, she holds a military understanding of her position.

Having served countless Warlocks over the millennia, she is attuned to the ways of mortals. She has developed something of an affinity, a profound curiosity with how they operate. Adapting to new cultures was second nature. It was everyday, routine life that Aezora became enamoured with; the habits, quirks, and nuances of a seemingly-purposeless existence. She developed a number of life skills and hobby interests, even though companionship was her usual role. For better or worse, she quickly learned how her masters worked, when they let her grow close. To that end, and often to theirs, it was a swift path to an undoing.

She grew extremely close to some of her former masters and mistresses, be they cruel or kind, though. When her attempts to urge them to surrender to the Burning Legion failed, Aezora was crushed as she watched her associates devour them mercilessly. Those who did relent, giving themselves to the might of Sargeras, soon lost interest in the comparably insignificant Succubus and her inconsequential feelings. Their love for their cause swelled, to Aezora’s exclusion.

As a pawn of the Legion, she is eternally caught between a rock and hard place. Should she try to persuade her executives to ascend to a higher level of being, to a future that doesn’t include her, or should she watch helpless as any future that might’ve been is obliterated by the force of death she serves?

Skills & Abilities:
  • Lash: Skilled with her whip, the Succubus can use it with the efficiency of a small blade, and even ensnare her foes.
  • Soothe: Using talents both natural and supernatural, the Succubus can attempt to negate hostility towards her. Subject to the foe’s own will, of course, and not assured.
  • Charm: With a silver tongue, a little guile, and the sway of magical influence, the Succubus can suggest a more favourable course of action for friend and foe alike to take.
  • Lesser Invisibility: When all else fails, the Succubus may activate a lesser form of invisibility to cloak herself for an indefinite period.
  • Disguise: The Succubus may disguise herself. She is still recognisable by her permeating fel aura, to any individual capable of demonic detection.