Conquest of the Horde

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I hearthed from Azshara Crater back to Ratchet, and it froze on the loading screen. So I went to relog manually [alt+tab, restarting WoW]. Now, when I log in, it suggests the realm, but when I click okay, it keeps resetting and taking me back to the realm list page. Help! :3

[Edit] Okay, noticed something. It still says that Amber's still on. Even though she isn't. Can someone maybe boot her or something?
If your character has enough money, try the Town Teleporter in the Components section of the website ( up in the nav-bar).

If not, talk to a GM, and have them move your character to another city.

But as for being the character still online, give it some time and it will be auto-booted.
The server had "encountered an error and needs to close," which is one of the things that prompted me to do a server update and restart.
Should work now.