Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: MineCraft 1.0
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Can I be set to Creative mode, I need flight mode to find the elusive mushroom islands, which are a lot harder to find than I originally expected.

My Minecraft name is KieKeBooN
Put a post in here.
Permissions are slowly be re-implemented. Henceforth, folks will once again have to post in the aforementioned thread (the Minecraft Users one) in order to alter the world. Also, I think you'll have to log on before I'll be able to set you to Creative mode (if requested). Feel free to request it in your post though, and ensure you've logged in to the server at least once.
I just got a free version of Minecraft (hehe. Awesome stuff) and will try to log into the server!
Kretol! Did you set the server to Online Mode? I cannot log in with my pirated Minecraft anymore, it says my username is unverified. =(
Due to the recent discovery of a huge gap in security allowing pirated clients to sign in as other users (and this feature being abused) this was likely toggled. Hopefully an alternative measure of security can be found, since I believe quite a few people are running the 'free' version. :u

Griefers gotta ruin the funz.
... That really sucks, I was working on my city.
It appears my free version also won't allow me to access the server. But I see that I am not alone!
Hope this works out! :D
Yuuup, hopefully when Kretol reads this he'll implement the logging in system on his Minecraft server so that he can put it in offline mode again. >:|
Okay, I'll try something else to allow 'free' MC clients to connect. It'll be a bit tedious considering you'll have to 'log in' with every connect, but hopefully it won't be too bad.
As long as one with a free version can't just write in, for instance my name and steal my precious wooden sword, then I guess it should be great. Writing in a password doesn't take long time. It's like filling gasoline. It may take a minute or two, but you have to do it if you intend to reach your destination.

I sound smart now. I should watch "Live at the Apollo" more.
Yaaaay, tell us when it's all fixed up Kret. =)
(12-09-2011, 12:36 AM)Lendri Wrote: [ -> ]Yaaaay, tell us when it's all fixed up Kret. =)

It's already up! We'll see how it goes.
Huh, I only read all of this now. I believe I have the 'free' version and I already logged on not too long ago. So I'd say it's working like a charm.
Alrighty thank you Kretol, I can get on now. =)
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