Conquest of the Horde

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[Image: SanguisLab2.jpg]

Below the cold ground, an abandoned crypt runs through the earth, sheltering the dead from the world. An elf unafraid of the stigma of the unliving makes this a testing ground, a lab away from labs. It is here he launches his newest experiment, The Family. Books upon books of notes, and similar experiments line the dusty shelf as boiling concoctions of pseudo blood fill the air with a thick red smoke. One the table lies a stack of folders, each with a tab sticking out, and a name.

[Image: Cry_copy.png]

Project Number: Sin-77

Name: Reigen Dawnsend ( Sunfire ) Talah'malanore

Age: 528

Race: Sin'dorei

Height: 5'0

weight: 97lbs

Success: Yes

Code Name: Matron

Specialty notes: My sister was made as a time sensitive construct. I figured through trial and error that depending on how much of the rune you inscribe for the memory, gives them the length of their memory. I decided to create my sister as she was in her glory, to a time where if things were different maybe she'd be working with me already instead of trying change. Before her family, before she met Krilari, or the Novalights.
When she was a monster, and a fellow Fel user.

Notes: She is the first I've resurrected of this new generation, and her movements and personality came through really strongly. I was surprised, it was like being around the Real Reigen, just much colder, very vicious. Even though I was under control in the situation, Zorqua and I were still on guard. She showed signs of being unpredictable, and has to be shown respect at all times. I decided to keep her ignorant of her origin for now, It may be dangerous to her psyche as well as her trust for me. She doesn't wish to be around others, which works perfect. I will keep her in an area to her self and check up on her periodically, she has no problem killing others. She cannot meet the Real Reigen.

She claims she felt, 'heavy'. Maybe something to look for into the design. She believes she was in a coma, attacked by hunters she was escaping years ago. I've told her of the many changes in the world, with the wars, the attack on Silvermoon, our evolution... It's much to grasp. I will keep a close eye on her. She was a break through. Her facial expressions were so genuine.

Edit 1: She met Sin-92 much to her dismay. She glared threateningly at Sin-92 and even conjured shadow around her hands. Watching their emotions are so interesting, so synthetic yet...real. I tested her, without using the runes implanted on her she didn't like me standing up to her. At first she snapped back, the second time she just smiled. Could she be plotting against me? Is her consciousnesses that complex? What have I created? I also released her, the probability of her crossing paths with the real Reigen is ridiculously low. I can always disable her if she gets out of hand. She will be a great weapon once she begins working with me.

[Image: Elihanara.jpg]

Project Number: Sin-92

Name: Eliyh Elihanara Seregon

Age: 157

Race: Sin'dorei

Height: 6'0

weight: 140lbs

Success: Yes

Code Name: Sister

Specialty notes: Elihanara is the first one of this generation to know the truth of her origin. Even after she was told, she believed that she was the original Elihanara, or at least showed signs she struggled with the concept. Her memory seems to be implanted well, her personality is strong, yet she says her childhood memories are faint. Perhaps I should take more time when inscribing the runes. She is also the first one of the family to leave the grounds.

Notes: Her motor skills seemed to be functioning relatively well for just being 'born'. She is going to handle the task of removing my name from the Outstanding debts in the House of Seregon Archive, if she can do this I will truly know she is a success. Sin-92 appears just as efficient as the real Elihanara Seregon, or at least how she presents herself. From what I've witnessed she may be easier to slide into society than the volatile Sin-77. I will keep an eye on her as this develops. Like Sin-77, Sin-92 has a remarkable presence, you feel as if you are in the company of the progenitor. If I can perfect this, my father and I will have many conversations. I could end mourning for all of Azeroth.

Edit 1: Sin-92 is going to be the specimen to watch closely. Her level of cooperation makes the data so much more accurate as she is open to tell me how she feels, and asks very deep or relevant questions. She's quite inquisitive on what I do. She even wanted to witness the activation of Sin-126 and participated in the story I told her. While in this stage, I carry this notebook, I write notes, and observations. Because this is an experiment, and these abominations have no souls, and are nothing but arcane constructs. I speak about them as such, it pleases me to see them cry, scream, laugh, or show rage or hatred. It lets me know their emotions are versatile, It lets me know that when I attempt to bring my father back he will be able to express all emotions. Sin-92 doesn't like when I speak about her as if she is real like shes an object. She was even so upset, I refered to her as what she is she slapped this very notebook out of my hands. Fascinating, apparently she yearns for Elihanara's love Ruirai and doesn't want me to create one for her. I will watch her closely. Her only failure is, something failed she has no access to her abilities.
[Image: WoWScrnShot_111311_132601.jpg]

The process to animate one of these Skin Children is very taxing, causing him to have to raise them once per day. It is a shame when after all the work, preparation and inscribing runes over the room, and table that some become utter failures. Most failures are sent where he sends his enemies. To the 'hooks'. Once and a while A sad soul escapes.

[Image: AnnafaiseFinalEdit.jpg]

Project Number: Hu-38

Name: Annabelle Greene

Age: 25

Race: inferior; traitor Human

Height: 5'8

weight: 130lbs

Success: No

Code Name: Chimera

Specialty notes: Hu-38 is my first attempt at what I refer to as hybrid constructs. It is impossible to recreate divinity such as healing properties of the light. It is possible to mimic these attributes, a 'divine' shell or bolt of light can just be arcane burning in a yellow hue. Annabelle's mind was the target, I've met the human before. She also seems to be somewhat of a tinkerer, the family needs an engineer. I gave her the attributes of one of the magi I've gathered for previous experiments I just retrieved her body from the hooks. She's A talented one, I decided to give Hu-38, Annabelle's memories for structure but was purposefully vague about certain details. Instead of figuring out how to mimic a priestess I just imprinted a mage on her.

Notes: Hu-38 is an utter failure. Upon her awakening she became suspicious. Her conflicting memories were too much for her and seemed to cause her discomfort. She began asking me a series of questions too rapidly. Almost too fast to be spoken, and then she was calm. I could tell she was a failure just by how irregular her movements were so I headed over to cancel the ritual. She interfered blinking in front of me and even knocked me back with a force of arcane. She looked ferocious, a shame that she disappeared shortly after. It appears Annabelle's will is too strong in Hu-38, this could be troublesome if she's found. Hopefully her deteriorating state will slow her movement. I will send the others to hunt and dispose of her when I activate them. I will try other Hybrids in the future.
[Image: Candlelight.jpg]

Family was important to him. He had the surname of his father, Sunfire. Although Reigen is the only Sunfire he had ever met. He was raised by his mother and ill-moraled inhabitants of Murder Row. It was why he sought so adamantly for the ritual, for Reigen his ( to his knowledge ) only half sister. He wished to end his loneliness, and over the centuries lead him to become a desperate soul dipped in blood. Although his intentions were good, he lost patience using murder, intimidation, blackmail, bribes, lies, and manipulation as tools to speed up the process. Wax tears mourn the lost elf as the Sunfire burns atop its wick.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_112911_182855.jpg]

Project Number: Sin-126

Name: Rylei Sunwing

Age: 233

Race: Sin'dorei

Height: 5'4

weight: 113lbs

Success: Yes

Code Name: Napalm

Specialty notes: Rylei Sunwing currently exists as a Death Knight. I have issues with a few of this affliction. Rylei Sunwing is no exception. One of the basis of this experiment is to test the strength of their will, faith and psyche. How long will these children of mine last before they crack under pressure, or insanity? I need this for data on how well these children can convey the emotion of their progenitor. Will they show fear, happiness, love, hatred, boredom, aspiration. Are they capable of it? Are their boundaries? If I return my father, will it be him completely or funneled? Sin-126 will be interesting to watch. I've dated her memory to the time she was an ice mage. Briefly before she was murdered she was pregnant. I have implanted a bomb in her 'womb'. I sent her after an abomination in her image. A tainted part of her own soul, she was convinced and left for Silvermoon to begin her search.

Notes: Rylei's bomb will detonate during her death, or upon command. I would like to detonate it why she fights Rylei Sunwing, but there are many uses for an unsuspecting target carrying a bomb to be useful. She seems to remember her memories vividly, she's the first child to exhibit fear and worry. Although handicapped by the inflated womb, she compensates for without being fatigued.
[Image: Ceremony.jpg]

The ritual actually takes origin from the Novalight's Mimic Proect, the Skin Thieves of Silverpine and an ancient Zandali ritual. He acquired its information from a troll ally of his. All his other attempts ended in failure, besides the children of the eighth generation.


[Image: Casesius.png]

Project Number: Hu-89

Name: Cassius Palenix

Age: 37

Race: Human

Height: 6'1

weight: 217

Success: Yes

Code Name: Blasphemy

Specialty notes: The construct in which Cassius was made of, the core was blessed making it a divine object, imbued with holy light. His abilities are triggered to pull from this divinity. Seems to be a radical which is interesting.

Notes: Cassius is my first successful human, and male. The other males were dangerously uncontrollable or unstable. Ironically the complex emotional female seems to be easier to create. Cassius reacted very well, his motor skills and other functions seemed to be working well. He showed a lot of interesting emotions, and appears to have the personality of a Zealot. I do believe his loyalty to the light will make him easy to control. He believes I am but a servant of the light and hunts and kills those feel differently. Or at least that is what I think he will do. He is after failed experiment Hu-38 I'm sure he'll find her very quickly.