Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: One man down!
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No, this isn't an absence thread for me... but for CappnRob. Why am I the one typing this up instead of him? Well, simple fact: It's my laptop.

Ever since he moved out to California, he's been bumming off my laptop during some nights when I can pick it up in the morning before school. This is fine and dandy, but both of us would like to get him his own computer, if not to get it from his old home then just buy a new one. However, I only started work, and he himself hasn't been able to afford much of anything either. So if he wants to WoW, I gotta give him my laptop.

And now? Battery went kaput. I replaced the blasted thing only half a year ago and it dies on me already.

I suppose I myself am to blame; the warnings to get me to replace the laptop battery went on and on for over a month now, but I thought I could get it running as long as it's plugged in. Nope. Like the last battery, it drains altogether, and now it won't turn on, plugged or not. I just replaced the charger too. But now? Derp. Gotta replace the battery a second time. I learned my lesson.

Last time I checked the stores, the batteries available were either too crazy expensive, or the wrong kind altogether. Looks like I'll have to order that new battery online. Shipping could take a week or longer, depends.

Until then.... you won't be able to see Cappn on for a while except on the forums and instant messaging, where he's borrowing my mom's laptop (so thus, he can't install WoW). Meanwhile, I'm still available, but only on my desktop computer. Thus, I can't WoW freely in restaurants and cafes, meaning I'm on only during late nights when most people would be asleep. Sorry, love. Them's the breaks, I suppose.

I could use a WoWbreak anyway, I suppose. Help me recompose myself some.

I'll still be updating IC forum stuff like Song of the Sun... maybe. Depends on my mood, eh.
D'aww. Enjoy the (forced) break.
Turns out... my battery can charge again. Both of them (the original and the replacement). Seems all that my laptop needed is some rest.

Still, the error message pops up, and the laptop does die out even if it has 80% juice. But either way, I lack the money to get a second replacement battery anyway, so I'll have to make due by switching the original and replacement repeatedly in order to get the laptop running. So yeah.

Hopefully Cappn will return soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Now I better see comedy gold with you and Cappn, Zenethen!