Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Sickness in the Sands
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Pages: 1 2
Looks like one character was approved in the nick of time. . .

Coincidently becoming relevant for this event! YEEHAWW PARTNER!
Also, if anyone wishes to share some desires and wants from this even, feel free to do so.

This is designed as a way of shaking up things on the server, a pre-Holday sort of gift. Tell us ways that we can make it better and they shall be taken into consideration.
So, due to circumstances beyond my control (I.E My family, from the oldest aunt to the youngest child, guilting me) I will be at a pre-Hannukkah party this weekend and be unable to prepare adequately to start the event on Sunday.

We've pushed the kick-off event to Monday and we'll be hosting a small pre-event on Sunday as consolation!

Also, we now have a thread to keep track of all the events/relevant information, so stop in there to get yourself acclimate.d
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