Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Forgotten Council
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Note: This is a Night Elf only guild

Who we are:

The Night Elves have lived as long as life has been on Azeroth. They were rules as a matriarchal society, lead by the Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, who forged an army of women known as the Sentinels. Men took a back seat role, until Malfurion formed his Circle. The tension between the two; Malfurion and Tyrande, echoed through there people, none but women were accepted as Priestess' or member of the sentinel, and in return no woman was allowed to join the Cenarion Circle of Druids.

Less than 19 years ago things changed, but for elves with such long life spans, 10 years is but a blink of the eye. Those who were one what they should not have been, were cast from normal Night Elven Society. Female Druids, Warrior men who wished to join the Sentinel Army. All were shunned for so long, they formed their own council, the Forgotten Council.

Each person is allowed at any meeting, and free to speak there mind in turn. They may not always have the purest of goals, but they do what the other factions cannot, the bring death and devastation to the enemy, unbeknown to there counter parts; The Circle, the Sentinel, and the Priestess.

We do what we must to ensure the continuation of the Kal'dorei, we may have been thrown from society, but they are our people and families.

Current Members:
Nephuria Silverstar- Druid of the Claw Representative
More coming :)