Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Oh boy.
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I was going to say good bye.. But I realise that I don't quite have to with those contact adresses.

Until I speak to you!
Good luck with the world of start of businesses! I hear its quite the roller coaster. Hopefully we'll speak again someday.
I've only really known you for a few months, but I can say it's been a fun run. Not non-stop, but that is what it is.
I'll miss your characters and mine'll miss 'em too. Dog knows what we're going to say has happened!
In life's endeavours, I wish you well. I know you'll get it to work somehow, things always seem to pan out in your favour.

All else I wanted to say has been said, either by someone else or over Skype.

Take care out there, and don't forget CotH.
£10 says you'll be back.
You will be back.

They always come back.
I shall miss your unnecesarry trolling, Uth. Peace, yo!

Do try to find some time to come back from once in a while.
A feeling I've known far too often of late - that one has when an old friend leaves.

I remember the old days when you were resurrecting the third(More like fourth) iteration of the Aula Arcanum, and I remember the enormous Lore-discussions we've had, both ingame and on the forums. I also remember the mere chats, from tiny and concise, to spreading across the countless idle hours in GMI and the like.

I appreciate how nice you were - and will continue to be - throughout your stay here, and I have a distinct feeling that that sort of attitude will help ya' go far.

I keep it in good faith that you shall return one day. And that there shall be great lulz when you do.

-An ardent defender or supporter of a cause or another person.
-To fight for, defend, or support as a champion.

Stay one. And, good luck.
At least you're going out there to do something potentially exciting. I hear running a business is quite an experience, so I have no doubts about you having some good times with it. It'll be a valuable experience (and merit), if nothing else.

Have a good one!
[Image: tumblr_l49fz54Ldf1qamgw7.gif]
NOO UTHNUB! Y U SO LEAVE? But really though man, people gotta follow their dreams and all that sentimental stuff. I can wish you nothing but happiness in whatever you do...and we'll still be here if life ever leads you back. Don't quite bein' a bro.
(09-08-2011, 02:09 PM)Uthaniel Wrote: [ -> ]NOOOO.

A loss indeed.

We've had limited interaction, but I've sagenodded to some of your comments on the forums and even enjoyed the RP we had (although fleeting) it was enjoyable, your good and its a shame you're leaving. But good luck in your future endeavors, to me you were a staple of CoTH. You were here as long as I've known it, or paid attention to it. I respected your ability to voice your opinion no matter how favorable or unfavorable. When you hit it big and have nothing better else to do. Return.

I can't say I've had the honor of having a whole lot of interaction with you, but you were a pretty awesome guy when I did.

It's always sad to see someone cut off most of their time from a community they were part of for so long, but 'least you'll be welcomed back when you do return.

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