Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Jewelry by Mail!
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<Posters were recently hung in Dalaran, Shattrath and Stormwind in the respective central inns/taverns.>

Jewelry by Mail

A new service started by a Draenei in Telredor to start exchanging jewelry for currency over the mail. Like every other jeweler, just over the mail! It saves you the trouble of actually going out to find the jeweler!

Simply mail your request and or idea to Talesta that resides in Telredor, she will draw out the sketch and send it back to you! At that point, you may do modifications, removing some parts, or even adding more. Mail the sketch back to Talesta (Mailing fees are all payed for by the business), along with the amount of coins decided, and await your jewelry of choice!

"Wait, what stops her from just stealing my money, and not making any jewelry?" City law, of course! Talesta is obligated by law to fill her duty legally, and properly. Any complaints should be directed to the Telredor city guard.

Order your jewelry today!

The Jewelry by Mail business is a small, home business that is currently hiring experienced jewelcrafters. Positions are very limited!

<Adress and shipping information are listed on the bottom of the poster. The edges of the poster have gems and rings drawn on them.>

((Edit because, as usual, I fail.))
(( You know, I see a lot of these adverts iRL ))
(( Hm? Really? Never seen one, to be quite honest. (Disguised and shameless self bump right here)))