Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Little House on the Pr- Coast
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So I've a suggestion for a new RP Location; It's not much, but there's this little house with a dock, and some misc objects about on the coast north of Stormwind Harbor... Roughly west of Coldridge Valley in Dun Morogh.

I thought it could maybe be spruced up a bit, but for the most part it could be used for solitary-type characters for their house, and other such purposes like an outpost or something similar.

Hope it gets considered. Good day.
I'm sure you know there's an exploit to getting there. More of a glitch, allowing you to go under Stormwind and over some "underground mountains", finally droping down the house. (which requiers skill not to die)
Overall, I like the idea.
Note: once you land in the water, there's no way up. So if only a GM could put either a ramp, or the portal nearby, it'll be great.

Note2: Once you get at the house due to the exploit, you will no longer be "underground", nor will you have a chance to get back there. So no worries about that. :D

(posted from teh phonez)
If I'm thinking of the correct place, then the bones there are non removable.
I know some bones are there, but hey, you can just ICly say they aren't there! :P

As for access, I actually got there just by doing Path of Frost -> Travel there from Stranglethorn as a DK, it worked fine.