Conquest of the Horde

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I decided, on a spur, to create my own intermediate roll system. I'd like to see some reactions as well as constructive criticism. Please, leave any comments such as "The normal roll system is fine" at the door. And your shoes. I just cleaned the carpet. Please question it however, and give me any advice you can! There may be some confusing parts in here that I haven't explained, but question them and I will give insight. The reason behind the lack of explanation is this system is in a GHI book of mine, and it is made to be tightly compact as well as quick to reference and easy to read.

Roll 1-100

10 HP

(More than 50 points apart)
Cloth - 2 points
Leather - 1.5 Point
Mail - 1 Points
Plate - 0.5
(This helps represent the realism of an armor effect, while trying to keep things balanced so all players can enjoy the fight equally.)

Standard Attack - 1 Point

Standard Attack - 2 Points (CLOTH-ONLY CLASSES)

Special Attack - 2 Points

Special Attack - 3 Points (CLOTH-ONLY CLASSES)

AoE - 1 Point up to 4 targets
Standard Attack is normal

Special Attack causes break of defense, increasing damage by 0.5 if hit and reduces roll points by 20 for next defensive roll.

AoE sacrifices the same as special.

Defense occurs if defense roll is higher than attack roll

1 player can use 1 mend maximum through entire match

1 mend restores 1 HP with no crits.

Mends cannot fail or block unless enemy specifically attempts to stop it.

Healer classes are exempt from these rules. See next page.


Healer classes can heal as many times as they wish.

If healer class exceeds 2 heals,
50% attack penalty is applied and take 0.5 more damage.

Healer class can crit, for up to 2 HP. Crit occurs if roll is above 50.

Normal hit = 1 dmg
Special hit = dmg x 2
(Penalty) = +0.5 dmg on hit - 20 pts on next roll.
AoE = 1 dmg upto 4 players
(Penalty) = +0.5 dmg on hit - 20 pts on next roll.
Crits on enemy;
Cloth; +2 dmg
Leather; +1.5 dmg
Mail; +1 dmg
Plate; +0.5 dmg
Healing (Non Healer Classes);
1 Heal (Mend) ONLY. No Crits.
Bandage- +1 HP
Healing (Healer Classes);
Unlimited Heals. Crits.
Heal - +1HP
Crit heal - +2 HP
>2 heals =-50% battle efficiency
>2 heals =+0.5 dmg to healer on hit
Crit = roll > 50.


Take my word for it, the book is much tidier..

GHI Import Code!
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Feel free to take on anything in here if you like it.

So this seems very complex, which is what makes it difficult to become a widespread system to be used on CoTH. The reason roll fighting and the trust system are used is because it takes relatively little time to explain, setup, and go.

I feel that it'd be a good system to have setup with a 3rd party moderating the rolls and calling out what happened. A GM like in D&D, of sorts.

Also there seems to be a large generalization that cloth classes= high damage, which seems to be stemming from the magic is powerful but makes you a glass cannon. This worries me about balance in specific instances. Druids with leather armor can't hit as hard as mages? And what about holy paladins pumping heals while rocking full plate?

And on melee attackers, what is the incentive to go with lighter armor? They can't hit harder, they can't move more, and they don't gain any incentive to effectively make themselves take more damage. Although this is somewhat realistic, as there's very little reason for anyone to not at least wear a bit of chain mail if you're fighting.

Just a couple things I spotted in the rules.
The intention was indeed to have a third party moderator in mind.

I had forgotten about the concept of a druid, and for simplicity I'd say they're a cloth class, or change cloth class to 'magic classes'

Paladins can indeed pump heals in full plate.

Perhaps I should implement a maneuverability + defense roll for people with lower armor ratings, excluding some mage classes or some less nimble magic users (That would be up to the honestly/responsibility of the person playing. The roll system isn't made to give everybody in the fight an advantage).

Some of these things did come to mind, but I felt I'd expand on them later if there was significant trouble with it, so I could retain some simplicity.