Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Age Question - Orc
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While I have looked at the timeline here and a few other places, and I have looked at the age post here, I need a little help because I'm terrible with ages, dates, and numbers in general...

I'm very interested in creating and RPing an Orc character who is just now cutting her teeth (just now taking the tests and undergoing the beginning of her training).

Now, according to the age post, she'd be 20 to be an adult...meaning that she would have been born at "year 16" on the timeline....

However... if she's just cutting her teeth, wouldn't she be younger than an adult?

I'm simply looking for a few suggestions for a realistic age, I suppose. Thanks for your help!
Hm, well I'm just a lowly peon, but I hope you don't mind me posting my thoughts.
Traditionally in most real world cultures thirteen is the age when a boy/girl becomes a man/woman. However I doubt any of those real world ceremonies involve slaying mighty beasts or slaughtering Alliance vermin. So somewhere between 16 to 18 is when I might place an orcs coming of age. ofcourse then thats the opinion of me, a human, orcs may consider 13 the prime age for kiddies to get an axe and chop some heads.
hope that helped :D