Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Looking for some relatives!
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Greetings, CoTH!

I'm looking for some RP buddies, more specifically, relatives for my characters. While I'm open to all kinds of friends, what best than a relative to kick some interesting character development?

Anyway, unto business. As far as players go, my only restriction would be the timezone. I have nothing against those who live in different parts of the planet, but I believe it would be beneficial if our times were compatible. For now, my timezone is GMT+0.

I'm looking for relatives for the following characters:
  • Grazmot: he definitively does not have the most interesting family history, however, taking in account his parents were never too present (or present at all), it could lead to some interesting situations with his parents and "father-mentor" of sorts.

    His mother's only restriction would be her age - assuming the earliest for her to have a kid would be 18, she would need to be at least 57 -, gender and a small chunk of her history (the whole "get pregnant->sell kid" fiasco).
    Graz's father limitations are same as mother, age (57 is the minimun), gender and the small chunk of his history when he got the woman pregnant.
    For both of these, there is no restriction on looks, though it would probably help the father side of things if he had uncommon amber eyes like Graz.

    In a not-really-a-relative note, it would be sweet for Graz to re-meet the warlock who bought him. The limitation are same as before; age - in this case, it would probably be best for him to be 65+ by now-, gender and a chunk of his history. Looks are happy-go-lucky, except for the hair, which should be white/gray.

  • Kashu: In his story, Kashu has two unnamed offspring (male and female) who disappeared during a centaur attack. The restrictions include the first chunk of the history (their life among the Dawnseekers), their tribe and the start of their history after the Centaur's attack. Age is somewhat flexible - ideally, they should be 40-60 years old by now. Since I never defined their mother's appearance, feel free to go wild, though it would be a nice touch to give them Kashu's brown pelt and/or amber eyes.

  • Arrok: Family drama! Ahem. For Arrok, his most wanted relative is his sister. She needs to be older than he (56+) and have a white pelt, as well as a somewhat shared life story (well, at least until the Third War).

    I would also enjoy to see his father back in scene. He would need to have a white pelt and, obviously, had a mate, with who he had had a daughter (the one above), betray him at one point.

That's about it. You can always send me a Private Message to discuss specifics (how they met and recognized their family member, their looks, history, etc). Oh, and there are no restriction for names. Those are yours to create!

As for "claiming", it can be done in this thread or via PM.

Thank you,

I'm interested! Quick question, what are the races for each character? That would tell me if I can RP them or not..
Orc, Tauren, Tauren.
(12-28-2011, 04:13 PM)FlyingSquirrel Wrote: [ -> ]Orc, Tauren, Tauren.

This, basically. :P
Bumping. I'm still looking for these!