Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Nightsabers and the undead?
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Can animals judge what is inherently good and evil? The answer is no, unless they're under visible threat of death. They aren't speechless humans.
Next question: does it really matter? It's a mount. Really, guys? Really?
I think when we've come to the point where we're scrutinizing the idea of a night elven death knight riding their racial mount we may be taking things a bit too far under the microscope. :u
The main reason I brought it up was because it was brought to my attention after I (well, my character) whistled for her (living) Nightsaber mount and rode off on it. The reason why I'm asking is because I'd prefer not to piss off the community. Seeing as it doesn't really seem to be that much of an issue for a lot of people, I suppose I can keep the saber without any changes (and, unless specifically asked IC, no explanation).
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