Conquest of the Horde

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So, I'm like in a position where most of my time is spent either working or hiding in a corner. It's given me a lot of time to think, about my life, and the decisions I made, and how I ended up here (though honestly I can't remember, it had something to do with a brainworm). I've sort of come up with this conclusion: my life sucks. I don't think it's going to get much better, but I don't think it'll be much worse either. I guess I'll have to roll with it.

Ha. Like that'll work well. I hate it. I really do. This place is crawling with humans, and the only people of my kind hold me in burning hot contempt. It's me, myself, and I. My thoughts are my company, and my musings are my diary (mostly because I can't trust someone actually finding a diary of mine).

So where do I begin?

It must have happened about a week ago. I came out of this trance, who knows how long it was, to find this guy and a worm that was apparently living in my head. I'm actually glad he got rid of it, it's perhaps the most repulsive thing I had to face in my life, and now it's dead, gone and behind me. Of course he didn't take it as a favor. No, that'd be too civilized. He had this idea that I owed him for that, and the only form of payment would be my freedom.

Before I knew it I was hog-tied and he stole me and my bike and everything in it. He tossed my helmet though; I guess he thought it was worthless but I feel really bad without it.

He brought me who knows where and slapped a collar on me. I still don't know what it does. All I know is that he's been testing me, and one by one has discovered my peeves, my fears, and has been pushing me to get over it. Oh, don't hide your face, Maya. I'll touch you when I want, Maya. Just deal with the humans, Maya. Get over it, Maya.

And if I don't put up with it? Well, apparently he has some other plans, something repulsive I dare not think about. The only good thing that's happened so far is that he's fixing my face. Maybe I won't have to hide it in time if things go well (which they probably won't).

Since then I've been hiding in the basement. Sometimes I wander and explore but I don't want to test the limits of the collar too much. For all I know it might not do a thing, he may be bluffing but I don't want to find out. It's funny, my fears are really holding me back but this guy's been pushing me to face my fears. Perhaps if he pushes me enough...

Maybe things will change?

Only time will tell...

(Sorry for crap post, but it's only the introductory one)
I guess it's quite obvious why I hate humans. Most orcs do not hold a very kind mindset towards them. Some have taken notice to the discomfort, fear, and contempt I have for humans. A few even suggested that I go through the experience of killing a human first hand to sate my hatred.

If I kill one there will always be ten more. They're as versatile as we are and adapt and survive to many challenges. I know killing one human wouldn't feed the hatred enough. There would need to be a complete entire genocide. Every last human would had to have died, and have no chance to return. And to be frank, I don't think that's ever going to happen.

There is something about differences that breed contempt and cruelty. So humans are cruel to orcs, and orcs are cruel to humans. I am no different, as I take delight in their suffering and hope for their downfall. I could be very cruel to them as they were to me, but I know it would only lead to a cycle where one side takes revenge for the other. The only end to the cycle, then, would be for one side to wipe out the other, and of course I would prefer it to be the humans that perish.

If it were to happen it'd certainly not be in my lifetime. But I know I have an indirect participation to the war against humans. Demolishers, zeppelins, siege tanks; these are a few among the war machines I have crafted in my lifetime. If I ever get out of this manor, I will continue to make these until the day I die.

Being surrounded by humans has rekindled my passionate hatred towards them. I long for the day they are wiped from the face of Azeroth...