Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Commissions for a broken car lock and late paycheck
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Despite having a job now, and getting closer to securing an opportunity to get a stable career, I find myself in desperate need of money that will cost me more than a few bucks in order to get by.

Long story short, the lock in my car broke. It can only be locked from the inside, but outside, it cannot be locked or unlocked manually. I got a new car key remote, but it cannot be programmed until that lock is fixed. Until then, my poor baby is vulnerable to vandalization and theft.

That's not the worse part, oh no. My school and work are located in less-than-savory areas of Los Angeles county. Think grafitti on your bus station stands, cigarette butts in school libraries, vandalized public buildings, wrecked chain link fencs around schools, and so forth. These are areas you do -not- want to leave a 1999 BMW unlocked for hours at end, especially late night when the street lights are barely lit. And this semester, I anticipate staying on campus as late as a bedtime for the little kiddies.

What does a stolen car mean to me? That means: no school, no work, and family from all sides grilling me harder than a frozen hamburger patty in a rocket to the Sun.

The general price of a replacement car lock is $600 USD. I honestly doubt I can make that much money by the start of the new semester, but I at least have my paycheck to cover up roughly half the expenses. Unfortunately, due to mix-ups in the office, that paycheck is almost a month late now, and I have no new work since the year started (tutoring depends on schools to run before I get students to tutor).

My general goal is $300 minimum via commimssions; a full $600 would be a miracle to pull off, but I doubt I can make it. If you want commissions for character art, or at least know someone who does, please please please send them my way.

Payment is done through Paypal ONLY. I accept non-US commissions.

To request a comission, please send a PM.

Price listing is here:
And please, please, PLEASE, I emphasize this: if you can't make commissions yourselves, spread the word! Ask your friends, even non-COTH members. I really need help making money to replace a broken car lock, so I need more than sympathies and apologies for not having the money for nice art.


1.) Caravan: Caravan Fairwinds and Xanthe Novalight (25% completed) (receipt reserved)
2.) Rosencrat: Miriam and Julia (10% completed) (receipt reserved)
3.) C0rzilla: Nuadon and Zalus (0% completed) (receipt reserved)
4.) C0rzilla: Annabelle and Zariel (0% completed) (receipt reserved)
5.) C0rzilla: Zephyaluu and Borisla (0% completed) (receipt reserved)
6.) BountyHunter: Sebastien Yursell (25% completed) (receipt reserved)
7.) Psycho: Sangreala and Marianna (0% completed)
8.) C0rzilla: Annabelle (0% completed) (receipt reserved)
Will you require screenshots and such?
For references, yes.
I wish I could send some money, but I don't own a credit card or anything...
That must really suck especially with all the robbers.
Sadly I have no money, but I have advertised it on Facebook and to my Retail guild.

I believe Piroska is interested in buying a few character sketches :3.
... I'll try. But I have to figure out the magics of paypal then...
(01-07-2012, 07:33 PM)Krilari Wrote: [ -> ]I believe Piroska is interested in buying a few character sketches :3.

Krillikin McSnugglepants is correct; I am very interested in helping you out (and snagging some very awesome art in the process!). What got my interest? We appear to share a number of interests: Warcraft, Star Fox, and Team Fortress 2. I may have squee'd while looking through your DA gallery.

Feel free to toss me a PM or bother Kril if you need something quicker. I'll have to consider what I want done first.

Thank you!
They're my top 3 favorite games to draw fanart for! :D And thank you so very much for the consideration!
Oh crud, if only it was closer to taxtime, I'd totally pick up a commission or two.
A shame to hear that, Immy. I'd flat out donate if I had any money. :(
Should have kept that fifty instead of buying the Valve pack. Sorry Immy.
Honestly, I'd look for a venue other than deviantart with looking for commissions. In the real world, for your technical ability, that price is a pittance. Perhaps contact some local businesses, especially those who could use a wider range of interpretations of their current mascot or even a new one. It would probably still be a pretty informal transaction, but it is appropriate for you to charge much more in that sort of situation.
I don't know much about LA, so I can't tell you if this would be as viable a strategy there, but it would probably be worth looking into when you're pressed for cash.
The reasons why businesses pay more for artwork usually has to do with the fact that they are buying the rights to the artwork as well. Personal commissions are usually much cheaper because of that.

But I don't know if Immy would get any contracts with businesses. Like you said it'd probably be something informal like with a small business. At that point they'd probably pay just as much as any other commissioner to be honest.
(01-09-2012, 04:41 PM)Wuvvums Wrote: [ -> ]The reasons why businesses pay more for artwork usually has to do with the fact that they are buying the rights to the artwork as well. Personal commissions are usually much cheaper because of that.

But I don't know if Immy would get any contracts with businesses. Like you said it'd probably be something informal like with a small business. At that point they'd probably pay just as much as any other commissioner to be honest.
But the price one can charge for art on many internet sites is still a pittance. One of the many reasons for my distaste of Deviantart. And even when taking legal matters in account, the higher asking price I speak of is because its the real world. One should charge at least somewhere in the ballpark of minimum wage for per-hour effort involved. And unless ImaginAshyun is an artistic speed demon, I don't think that's happening. I wouldn't say to quit the internet altogether for sheer quantity, but it is certainly an imperative for someone interested in selling their work to look at offline options.
In addition to dA, you can list on Etsy for 0.20cents.
I might have to consider this if I can think of someone for you to draw. It'd be outlandishly skanky, though.
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