Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A BElf for my Gnome...wait what?!
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So, I have an idea for an awesome couple. A Blood Elf and a Gnome. Now some of you are probably already shaking your heads and calling shenanigans, but here me out! BElves, as High Elves, were once part of the Alliance, and interacted with these brave mini-soldiers, and they have quite a bit in common as races. Both are highly intelligent and fervent researchers (BElves with magic and Gnomes with engineering, plus Gnome mages are common). Both had their homelands destroyed due to invasion and corruption (BElves from the Scourge, Gnomes from the Troggs and later the Leper Gnomes due to the radiation). Both lost nearly 90% of their entire race in said destruction.

Still reading? Interested? Let me introduce you to your husband, Yancy Boltwing...

[Image: yancy.png]

Yancy is a skilled pilot and tinkerer. He can be a jokester, but takes his work very seriously. He fought in Northrend, lending his piloting skills to the assault on Icecrown...

And that's where you come in! I leave most everything about your character up to you, only that they met in Icecrown where they somehow fell in love (we'll work out the details later). Any class other than Warlock is good, a Ranger may be awesome (I picture them on missions, with her firing arrows from aboard his plane into the helpless undead below). If interested, post here answering the following three questions. Best answers win the prize of a badass Gnome husband!

1) If your character was a mechanical construct, which one would she be?

2) Where was your character when the Sunwell was destroyed?

3) Your character is taking her awesome Gnome husband on a romantic evening. Where do you take him?

Good luck, CoTHians!
I don't have an available Belf for you, but this reminds me of Hrodebert (CappnRob's dwarf) and Jami (my belf), who married each other prior to the Sunwell incident. They should totally meet and be friends.
Grrr, them BElves taken all the good Gnomish men!
I support this way of getting a hubby. It amuses me!
This is an awesome way of getting a partner. I love you, Jonoth. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR QUEST. ..But dammit. Gnomes, stay with your own! We need to reproduce more Gnomes!
...Gnome with green fel-eyes and pointy ears. Oh my. Interesting offspring. :3
Ohdear... Sounds like an interesting idea. xD

1) If your character was a mechanical construct, which one would she be?

2) Where was your character when the Sunwell was destroyed?
Probably fighting her way out of Silvermoon with the other elves.

3) Your character is taking her awesome Gnome husband on a romantic evening. Where do you take him?
Ulduar, clearly, bringing a picnic basket and a robot-dismantling tool set.
I'll put up an application, because Gnome elves. This is for Beline, a new BElf character of mine.

1) If your character was a mechanical construct, which one would she be? (/flex)

2) Where was your character when the Sunwell was destroyed?
Hiding in the ruins of Silvermoon in a ruined home. Trapped, too.

3) Your character is taking her awesome Gnome husband on a romantic evening. Where do you take him?
A beach. Preferably a dark one. +Picnic basket, +Blanket.