Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Stupid AT&T...
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As some of you guys may know, at home I get my internet either through dial-up or tethering. Well, for some of you technologically derp people that browse through the forums or arpee the day away on WoW, tethering is when you link your computer to your phone via bluetooth and leech internet off your data plan.

Apparently AT&T doesn't appreciate us tethering off our non-smartphones with unlimited data. And using the dial-up all the time is what ended up forcing me off of retail back not long after BC came out. So. Long story short, my afternoon activity will drop dramatically.

However, I will be on Skype on my wonderful iPhone which I rarely ever go over on. So, if Leron's ever needed for Silverfang activities in the afternoon while I'm not online, we take it to Skype! Now you might be wondering how to get a hold of me on Skype. Well, either send me a PM on the forums or lookit at the little guild message of the day for you BotSf peeps. Just remember to tell me who you are in game in the contact request!

Now I will be active during school hours when I have no work. If I'm working, I'll idle in OOCC.
Evil companies are evil.

Come back soon!
d'aww.. I already miss you nub. At least there is skype, after all!
... So what did AT&T do?