Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A small break
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Alas dear CotH--

...No, fret not those who actually care, I'm not actually leaving CotH. I am however going to my parents house for the weekend, parents who have recently (to my delight) given their poor service providing ISP the middle finger and are getting another in the next few days. This does mean however I will be without internet for this period of time.

I'll be on again roughly Sunday Evening, to catch up on the absence of one of my characters afking in the OOC-zone at this time.

See ya till then!
Have a nice break from priso-... CotH. We're waaaaiiiiting.
D: I'll miss you!
I think I speak for everybody when I say it's about freaking time your parents did that. Hopefully, when you get back, I'll have started to be somewhat active again, which I'm aiming at being in two-three days.
Should this concern anyone, I have returned.
Welcome back!