Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Cache of Lum'Ba'Go
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Ancient legends speak of an ancient Trollish Witch Doctor by the name of Lum'Ba'Go.
His vast knowledge and power may have grown in the telling and re-telling over thousands of years, but a number of treasure hunters and archaeologists alike remain convinced that his vast wealth is more than a rumour...
And now suspicions have arisen that his temple-fortress has been discovered.

Undisturbed for thousands of years since it was occupied at the height of Gurubashi dominance and decadance among the jungles of the south; Lum'Ba'Go's seat of power represents an unrivalled opportunity to delve into some early Troll history, especially as it's aged stones and magnificent contents are said to have been placed under the magical protection of the Witch Doctor just before his mysterious death: preserving it indefinitely until it's seal is broken.

In no two stories ever told of him do they agree on what finally humbled the great troll caster, but no doubt the secrets will be held in...
The Cache of Lum'Ba'Go!


So you've read the prescie - or just skipped over the boring scene setting to get down to brass tacks. What exactly is your aim with this event, I hear you cry? Well; i'm glad you asked!

I aim to run a long to very-long event in the ruins of Zul'Gurub - employing both the trollish aesthetic and beautiful jungle scenery to provide a both Profitable and Picturesque Progressive Puzzle-solving Party in a Place of Prevalent Plenteousness where you can not only slake your thirst for adventure, solve riddles and puzzles the likes of which many of you have probably seen before, discover ancient treasures and tap into an ancient witch doctor's wellspring of magical power - but also fall afoul of dastardly traps, and (if solving puzzles isn't your thing) simply smash some stuff up.

It makes satisfying shattering noises. I checked.

At any rate; i've been there. I've looked at the various areas, and have a handful of ideas about different things to include, and how they can be implemented with just a little imagination. I've made a start on some notes, some rules and i've even got google opened up and am searching for 'PUZLS'.

But quite honestly, the massive amount of work devising interesting stops, pitfalls and suchlike for anyone interested makes me pause and wonder;
-Would- anybody be keen to participate in something like this?

It would probably run on a weekend (Most likely a Saturday, but possibly a Sunday.) from about 7/8pm GMT (11am/noon server time, as I understand it?) for a few hours at least, involving walls of text from maddening macros, frustrating pauses as the puzzles are resolved, a ridiculous overabundance of poor trollish accents and barely any roll-fighting at all!
(You might get some if you mess up.)

Feedback appreciated. Let me know.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_020712_124921-1-1.jpg]
Here's what's meant to be a dramatic and ominous view of the Cache itself.
You might just be able to see it at the top, there.
Well I get what time it would be held.. But what day..?
To be announced! Wouldn't want to fix on a date before it's ready.

- If any day is usually better, do say.
Well I would say Saturday or Sunday. Go with Saturday, that's when the larger amount of people are online. As which, I dunno.
Rekka'll join her ol' pal Muz for some more adventuring.
Because, you know, the last trip went so well. Can only get better from there, right?

I'd vote for a Sunday, though. I generally am not around much on Saturdays.