Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Changes for Demon Hunters
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Redacted upon request.
I think that it would be beneficial to proceed as Reigen has obliquely suggested and come up with something fairly concrete regarding what demon hunters are and how they work. There has been a lot of information in the Warcraft universe since its inception and many sources of that information -- which have not always been consistent. Since this always seems to be such a point of contention, perhaps creating strict guidelines regarding these types of characters (beyond the initial creation or which races could logically likely be one) would help prevent these types of discussions from cropping up in the future.

I'm not certain if the staff is considering this currently, but I would recommend coming up with a concise, clear outline of demon hunters (but not overly strict, given that I still favor greater flexibility in roleplay!) and then posting it on the forums and perhaps on the wiki as well.

Also, I find myself standing in firm agreement with Spiky! He has explained very well how the demon hunters that we should be able to roleplay are not Illidain and will most likely never be able to achieve that kind of power or notoriety. I understand the desire to make strong and powerful characters, but this push that I often see to make characters overly strong and overly powerful (regardless of being a demon hunter or not) does tend to get a little overwhelming at times. It tends to be more detrimental to roleplay than anything.
I approve of such changes.

So, what happens if we've already gathered 3 Approvals?
I would reason from this point forward it would require a resubmission, no matter if it is in the system currently or not, to work retroactively so that there is equality amongst profiles.
(02-07-2012, 07:18 AM)Roxas65 Wrote: [ -> ]Probably as fair as humanly possible.

Pretty much this.
...So night elf demon hunters will be the classic cut-and-dried students of students of Illidan, and blood elf demon hunters will be bloody remnants of the alliance between between Kael'thas and Illidan?

Survivors of Black Temple's reclamation by the Sha'tar?

I make note of this because... Well, I'm of the opinion that it's not bloody likely for any further blood elves to've been trained outside of those very exceptional circumstances, much like how there are no playable death knights that weren't raised in Acherus.

...The big difference there being that those sin'dorei initiates who were lucky enough to not die were never formally pardoned for siding with a villainous faction.

Which is probably a good thing, I suppose, since it further enforces the societal pariah mindset for a race otherwise known for its liberal outlook on ethically challenged magic, as well as offering a slew of opportunities for the evil demon hunter.

...Blood. Yours. The Xigo comes for it.
I really like how this was settled, great job.
As one of those few with the nubbishness enough to post a Demon Hunter with a *cough* questionable race, all I can say is I's a sad Reese.

Still, I's has to be a sad Reese, because this is pretty damn fair.
(02-09-2012, 07:53 PM)Reese Wrote: [ -> ]As one of those few with the nubbishness enough to post a Demon Hunter with a *cough* questionable race, all I can say is I's a sad Reese.

Still, I's has to be a sad Reese, because this is pretty damn fair.

Voragh can solve your demon hunter problem for you.

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