Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Xabrax Vilehoof [Satyr][Persistent]
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· Race of character/NPC : Satyr

· Class of character/NPC (Or the closest normal class that it would resemble) : Hellcaller ( IG Warlock )

· Name of character/NPC (Include both the desired in-game name and a full name (if applicable)): Xabrax Vilehoof ; IG name : Xabrax

· Exact modelID requested (find using wowhead - check the page source and do a search for displayid) : 2019

· Duration that character will be used (However many days for an event, or persistent) : Persistent

· Purpose for the character/NPC (Event, storyline, etc.) Bringing in more color into the elven zones affected by the burning legion. The Satyr is also one of my favorite races and I’d greatly enjoy RP-ing one.

· Location the character/NPC will reside : Ashenvale, Azshara,
Felwood, maybe around the Plaguelands too, but rarely. Mostly places that are not so populated with light-users and the likes.

· Level requested (Must be a normal level; 1-80) : 80. Technical reasons. Mobs and the likes.

· Any special equipment needed (generally this will only be held items, as other armor won't show up unless it's one of the models that show armor, like a fel orc) : None.

History : Xabrax was once a normal Highborne by the name of Elarianis. He studied the ways of fire magic and the likes and as most Highborne he was hungry for power. When Azshara started the summoning rituals over the well of eternity, Elarianis offered his help, vowing into service to the queen, joining their ranks and sharing the cause – to serve Sargeras. When the Portal was sealed by Malfurion, Elarianis started wandering the lands, hiding from the faces of people who might recognize him and judge him for what he did. He was ashamed that he could not do more to help the evil titan, but soon as Xavius returned, this time in another shape, Elarianis forsake his cover and marched straight on to meet the first Satyr and join him n the quest for power. As many other Highborne, Elarianis was transformed into a satyr, receiving a new name – Xabrax Vilehoof.

His understandings of magic changed completely as he now began to use Fel as his main weapon. He turned his previous flames and fireballs into fel-based such, starting to manipulate entropic fire. Like all demons he hungered for life and magic, feeling pleasure of the suffering and tormenting of others.

During the Third war, Xabrax tried to protect the fountain, in which Mannoroth has spilled his blood, from the attacks of the orcs. Soon, he fled, as well as many more Satyrs, seeing that the battle his lost, to simply stand in the way of Malfurion and Tyrande later on, when they try and awake the druids of the talon. Sadly enough, that was another battle that he and his brethren could not win. Xabrax retreated once more. He was fighting alongside the Burning legion, as a part of it for many ages, relying on trickery, speed and the entropic fire, which he studied and manipulated for so long.

After the fall of the citadel, Xabrax started wandering his previous homelands alone, searching for people who share his cause and want to make the other suffer.

Knowledge of the race :
Satyr Hellcallers manipulate entropic fire*. They are swift creatures, that mostly rely on speed, trickery and surprise.They work with the Legion to corrupt the lands and bring destruction. Many Satyrs have been seen guarding corrupted moonwells or spreading the corruption throughout felwood or other areas, damaged by the Burning Crusade. Although some Satyrs use warlock magic, many of them still have slight connections to druidism. They manage to corrupt the plants and nature itself, using those druidic skills combined with fel. The Satyrs are also probably one of the most hared races for the Night elves. The feelings are mutual. As well as many demons Satyrs are also immortal.

* Entropic fire – It’s basically sustained fel that pretty much only Hellcallers and Warlocks use. It’s basically fel energy, but given a substance. The Entropic fire is the fire that burns in infernals and the fire that ran down the body of Mannoroth. The entropic fire does not simply burn the skin or flesh. It drains life from it causing destruction. It feeds on like, including the life of the caster.
Ugh.. Still haven't lost interest in the character... Incase you people wonder.. :S
Well 'grats, now it's the first profile under the CMC sub-forum, which means it'll take even more. Kretol starts them from the bottom to top, as far as I know. xD
Archiving for now (player inactive).