Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Character Evolving
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Hello GM(s), this is Banmotsu in the game. I recently finished off a major part of my plot for this character I am rping as. He was for a while considered dead by the people who wanted him dead. This is because his assassin Galorath spared him but let him live secretly out of curiosity for the reasons why they wanted him dead. Later, he found those reasons and for real, tore Banmotsu down and threw him into the river to be washed away, believing he was dead.

Having a strong willpower to live, Bane would wash down the river until being washed up on one of the sides. Someone who I have yet to make a name up of, picks him up and brings him to their home and shelters/tends his wounds and such. Banmotsu himself, has gone into a coma for around a month. After being away for this long, he wakes up from it feeling okay. One thing is gone though, his memory.

The only language he now knows is his native, Darnassian. He even loses all his perspective of being a rogue and converts himself to a Druid. One with nature. It is as if he is someone else. The caretaker was a great admirer of the Night Elve heritage and only speaks to him in Darnassian. This is the main reason as to why he speaks it. Banmotsu is taken back to his home lands to begin a new phase in his life. Deep down though, maybe his old self still pulses weakly.

((I've already ok'd this with the man who killed me, Nelerath (Forum Name). I've already created the druid who will take the place of Bane. His name is Saiphael. I also have already had Bane's approval for the character profile, it is Here. What I'd like from you fellow GMs is to hand over all the necessary perks on get from the character approval onto this account. And maybe bounce Saiphael up to Banmotsu's level which is 38. What this is most of all, is an explanation of my current character. I will also when I'm not feeling kind of sick, make a huge update to my character bio. Thank you for your time Gms and other hardworking users around these parts.))
I remember bringing up something like this with my character Totema, who is a warrior. I wanted for him to become a Shaman and wondered if he would still retain all of his goodies that were bestowed upon him, so I asked a GM, I'm not too sure of which one, I think it was either Qaza or Rensin but I was told that, Yes, you can change your characters class BUT it would mean ICly that the said character would have to first begin training in the arts of their new path.

OOC, it would mean that you would have to get your character re-approved again after a certain amount of time of "training".

Correct me if I'm wrong.
I am pretty sure the stance now is that you can change your character class but you will need good IC reasons and have to level the character yourself, to represent them being inexperienced and needing training. You will recieve all the "goodies" (trinket, gold and tokens) once you´ve reached 70.

This is what -I- personally -think- I am not 100% sure.
Okay, thank you very much. Both of you.
Also, if your planning on doing this, your going to have to discuss it to some large detail with a GM, as you need a -very- good, and well thought out reason.
I've finished the character profile update, in it you shall find all the information you need.

Click Here

Give me any feedback.