Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Turns out the spine doesn't -like- to be twisted...
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No, I'm not leaving. In fact, I'm returning from an absence I didn't announce. Here's how it is:

I had taken up a staff position elsewhere, and while I had not planned to leave Coth, I suddenly felt really stressed with my position so I was taking a break. Then things started to calm down and I was gonna get back into the swings of things.

Sadly, that wasn't to be.

We don't know how long it was building up, but the catalyst was sitting on a friend's hard floor for hours on end while playing a tabletop game. I wound up twisting my spine to the right, and I was in agony until last Wednesday when I finally found a chiropractor who could take our insurance. I've since had a couple more appointments after that.

While I am not 100%, I am feeling much better. I can, for the most part, take care of myself so my husband can go back to work. I can even stand for a long time, though I was told not to sit for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. I've been told I can go back to RPing, but I gotta take it easy.

I go back for another appointment this Thursday, so I hope soon my spine will be back to normal.
Oh wow.. At least your okay right :o?
Just do what you gotta do. We'll be waiting patiently for your return. :P

Get well soon!

Get healthy! Injures suck, and rehab is worse. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear that!
I feel your pain somewhat, as I have extreme back pain most of the time. I hope you feel better soon!

Good luck with the recovery!

Good luck with the recovery!
RP: The most dangerous sport.

Hope you feel better soon!
Aw, sweet Jesus. At least you're okay. I especially know the pain and agony of back problems :(

Feel better, sweetie! No rush. I demand it.
