Conquest of the Horde

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On a sweaty, humid day, all around Booty Bay, people could see a dwarf walking around with a roll of papers under his arm and a bucket in the other hand. He'd stop, stick his hand in the bucket and lather it on the back of a paper, putting it on any available space, until the entire bay shone brighter oranges and yellows. Without a word, he'd walk off as people came to look at the poster...

[Image: L6OzP.png]

More info to come...

A few minutes after completion, the dwarf comes running by with a black marker and a green marker, correcting the hundreds of posters.


Current Roster List:
1: Krent - Mugi Dustbolt (ROFUPI)
2: KageAcuma - Krest Fairstar
3: Sol - Voragh Backbreaker
4: Cressy - Jean McCarthy
5: Reigen - Flak
6: Hawk - Navares Wolfsteel
7: Krilari - Krona Whiteclaw
8: Areninekay - Hugh Crevan
Five gold entry fee? Is this IC money? It looks interesting but 5 gold ICly is literally all the money you get from boosting to 80 and if you've been 80 for a while then you'll probably have spent some of that on other stuff. I know there are the quests and events that give you coins, but on to the bigger point... 100 IC coins is just plain enourmous. If it's not using the IC currency system then that's a different matter
Voragh Backbreaker stops, his evening stroll interrupted by something blindingly garish.

Voragh Backbreaker stares. His jaw drops ajar, that crookedly-set mouth so full of yellow tusks and teeth hanging wide open for the world to see. He closes it before anything has time to nest in there. He swallows, his throat suddenly dry as the desert he's been living in.

Voragh Backbreaker likes.

Voragh Backbreaker curses to himself and briskly stomps off, contemplating a brief working foray in a Gadgetzan whorehouse as he tries to figure out where the fel he's getting his entry fee from.
(02-14-2012, 11:43 PM)Sol Wrote: [ -> ]Voragh Backbreaker stops.

Voragh Backbreaker stares.

Voragh Backbreaker likes.

Voragh Backbreaker curses to himself and briskly stomps off, contemplating a brief foray into prostitution as he tries to figure out where the hell he's getting his entry free from.


But, it failed!

But, it failed!

Voragh will fly into all of his matches in this on his Big Love Rocket.

This, of course, will be his entrance theme.

(02-14-2012, 10:42 PM)mimloopen Wrote: [ -> ]Five gold entry fee? Is this IC money? It looks interesting but 5 gold ICly is literally all the money you get from boosting to 80 and if you've been 80 for a while then you'll probably have spent some of that on other stuff. I know there are the quests and events that give you coins, but on to the bigger point... 100 IC coins is just plain enourmous. If it's not using the IC currency system then that's a different matter

Sorry for taking so long to get back to this:

There are no IC-gold interactions through this event, as I know that both 5 Gold is a lot to sacrifice and 100 is a lot to have.
Oohh..? And I shall join this. Woot ^^
Can't make it. :(
"Forfeit your safety for money..."

I see your danger and raise you a Caravan.
In the late of evening, the same dwarf came by, wearing nothing but a wolf mask and pants, and put up a clipboard underneath a large posted, still stuck to the tavern. He climbed on a box and turned around, speaking into a Goblin Voice-Extender.

"Ayuh! Lis'n up yeh pissbags. This fight'n even' nao open fer si'nups. Be there r' don't."

He put down the machine and got off the box, trodding off into the sunset.

Signups are now open! There are 16 total positions, so first post gets first serve!
Anyone signing up after it's already full will be listed as alternates, in case people don't show.
Bumping this in the daylight; there hasn't been a single person yet!
How do I sign up? Rofupi would definitely be interested in this.
xD Then I shall be the first!

-Krest Fairstar


Or the second.
Done! For any future ensigns, please post your character name as well!
Voragh Backbreaker is down for this.
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