Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Romantic Client Profiles: FEMALE seeking FEMALE
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The ID coding formula for FEMALE SEEKING FEMALE clients are as follows: FsF[postID].
Quote:Interviewer: Tarana

Profile Type: First Person

Player: MstrCorvus


Name: FsF2

Race: Sin'dorei.

Gender: Female.

Short description: She's a death knight, and an ex-Farstrider. She describes herself as having been a party girl before her death. She is one hundred and thirty-nine years old. She says that she tries to be cheerful and happy most of the time, but when the "hunger" gets her she becomes depressed or angry. Apparently there's a way for her to fix this, though. She's skilled at fighting with magic and hand crossbows. She is short and slender, with little fat or muscle. Her hair is very strange, as it's a shade of unnatural blue with a pink lock in it. I don't know if this is something she did to it or something that occurred due to being a death knight. She seems fairly quiet and calm.

History: When she was young, she had some family trouble, so she spent a lot of time partying (and still seems to do so from time to time). She also became addicted to some drugs, but joined the Farstriders to help get her life on the path she wanted. When the Scourge invaded, many of her companions died, though she wasn't slain until a few years later. She didn't have much to say about her life after being raised.

Interests and Hobbies: She likes to explore and wander. She likes peace and quiet, but also apparently likes music which she calls "trancy." She says it's loud, and is meant for people to dance to. I have never heard of such a thing before. She adds that it has stringed instruments and a thick drum beat with "effects" on it. Perhaps a sin'dorei would know better what she's talking about than I do. She also likes cats and being outdoors.


Gender preference: Women only.

Racial preference: Elves, humans, and possibly orcs or worgen.

Wanted in a partner: She would like a sweet partner who enjoys doing things together with her. She also wants someone who will not mind some eccentricity.

Unwanted in a partner: She would prefer they weren't hateful of undead. She also doesn't want someone who is completely against violence, as she enjoys hunting and sparring.

Term: Any.

Additional Notes: She added that if the relationship ends up being long term, she would not mind adopting children.
Quote:Interviewer: Kapre

Profile Type: First Person

Player: MstrCorvus


Name: FsF3

Race: Blood Elf

Gender: Female

Short description: Red-haired, fairly muscular; carries herself well. Speaks with some formality. A warrior. Sees herself as a friend; kind, reliable, stern yet caring with her troops.

History: Born and raised in Quel'thalas, spent her youth wandering until she came into the service of House Senn'raethi. Served with the Fin'alah, the house's personal guard, for several centuries and fought against Quel'thalas' and her patron's enemies. Currently serves as a personal bodyguard for Lady Ashilynn, the matron and her closest friend.

Interests and Hobbies: Bakes. Trained battlemage, with skills in pyromancy. Handy in hand-to-hand combat. Likes to spend time playing with small furry animals, as well as training or accompanying the Fin'alah under her command. Apparently likes clubbing on occasion; enjoys parties despite her age. Also enjoys reading, sparring, and attending bonfires.


Gender preference: Women only.

Racial preference: Does not mind being matched with orcs, draenei, maybe trolls, worgen, or kaldorei. Likely prefers sin'dorei over all given her position.

Wanted in a partner: Would like someone who is both caring as well as stern when needed. Appreciates a good sense of humor, would like to do active things as well as quieter activities; anyone who woudl join them or simply accepts them is just as good. Willing to accept her work hours as she works as a bodyguard.

Unwanted in a partner: Someone rude, someone with no respect for others or their property. Anyone without any thought or regard for others. Selfishness, stealing, narcisism [sic]?

Term: Long term. She states she already has had too many past short relationships.

Additional Notes: Given her past relationships, I recommend priority consideration of compatibility before any match can be proposed.