Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Romantic Client Profiles: MALE seeking MALE or FEMALE
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MATCHMAKERS: TO USE THIS THREAD: Post one profile at a time so that the post ID number can be assigned to that profile. If you obtained more than one of a specific gender and orientation, wait until at least an hour's passed for you to post the second profile with its own post ID.

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The ID coding formula for MALE SEEKING MALE OR FEMALE clients are as follows: MsMF[postID].
Quote:Interviewer: Willelm

Profile Type: First Person

Player: ImagenAshyun


Name: MsMF2

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Short description: Seems like an amiable fellow, rather pretty-faced. Fair skin, blue eyes, wavy black-ish hair. I can't peg him a place of origin as his accent is a bit vague, but I'm guessing Alterac. He describes himself as rather bookish and reserved but willing to explore and get to know people. An alchemist and doctor.

History: Father came from Alterac and Mother from Gilneas, but he and his family were locked out of the Gilnean Wall during the Second War; he was about a baby at the time. Raised all over the place; lived in between and all over Lordaeron and Stormwind in a semi-nomadic lifestyle. Father was a doctor and older brother was being brought up as one, so he became one as well. Once had a fiancee but didn't marry her out of anxiousness; they broke up recently and he has regretted it since. Rather than pine for her, he decided to move on and find a new love.

Interests and Hobbies: Alchemy and medicine; has some interest in herbalism and other forms of chemistry. Considers himself a fair shot with the gun despite his nebbish appearance (in his words). Also considers himself a multi-disciplinary type of doctor; practices some psychology as well as physiological medicine, which he applies to his bedside manner.


Gender preference: Male or Female

Racial preference: Human only! Anyone and everyone, even the undead (in the name of science?). Actually made a convincing argument with how he'll treat romance with other races. I suppose it comes with being a scientist.

Wanted in a partner: A kind soul, someone who seeks love as desperately as he does. He's not particularly picky, he says.

Unwanted in a partner: A dominating lover. He just broke up with his fiancee and doesn't want his heart to be trampled by someone so domineering.

Term: Long or short, he'll decide.

Additional Notes: I suppose we can match him with anyone who hasn't been able to get any dates. He seems like a strong-minded fellow who is willing to experiment despite his recent breakup. Just be wary of the "Unwanted" notes.
Quote:Interviewer: Tarana

Profile Type: First Person

Player: ImagenAshyun


Name: MsMF3

Race: Orc.

Gender: Male.

Short description: A craftsman of varied natures. He is still learning a lot about Azeroth, but he says he learns quickly. He is concerned about Xaxas's role on Azeroth. I've noticed that he is very sweet-natured, but he has a difficult time comprehending information when it is laid out in a complex and abstract manner. He's a fairly young orc. He's also fairly eloquent in his words, though he cannot explain his thoughts very well. He has olive green skin, red eyes, a muscular figure, a soft face, beautiful tattoos, and two sets of tusks...I don't know if that would be a problem to a potential orc mate.

History: He survived in Outland's wilds for a long time after his guardians were slain, presumably in Draenor's destruction. He didn't come across civilization until the new expeditions to Outland, only a few years ago. He has since journeyed to Azeroth.

Interests and Hobbies: He takes pride in his craft and experimenting with materials. He enjoys learning, and applying his knowledge. He hasn't yet decided what path he wants to follow, so he doesn't feel as though he has many good interests. He admitted that he enjoys books and puzzles.


Gender preference: Women Either gender, I think.

Racial preference: He prefers orcs, but any race is alright. He thinks other races than orcs are strange, but will accept anyone who wants to be his companion.

Wanted in a partner: Someone who doesn't mind his eccentricities, especially in his mind because he has no clan. He wants someone who is willing to stay with him longer term, and someone who will understand his needs.

Unwanted in a partner: He doesn't want someone who will be loud, and he doesn't want someone who will touch him without his permission. He says that being touched actually hurts him, so this especially important. He doesn't want someone who will take advantage of him. (Would we match someone who would actually do that to anyone? I hope not!)

Term: Long term is preferred, but if someone wants to stay with him short-term, he would not mind so long as they were clear about it.

Additional Notes: Patience is a necessity! He is very sweet, but I am sure that many people will get frustrated with him if they aren't willing to try to work with him. It would be a terrible shame if he was matched with someone who decided to leave him without warning because of his demanding unintuitive nature. He seems well aware of his personal difficulties, so I think he would be devastated if someone he liked hurt him in that way. He has also noted that he is not a very good judge of character. If we have anyone willing to counsel him about that, then he would appreciate it.
Quote:Interviewer: Nilyssae

Profile Type: First Person

Player: SachikoMaeda


Name: MsMF4

Race: Sin’Dorei

Gender: Male

Short description: He’s got a bald head, and long pointy ears. His skin is getting a little grey, but it seems decently taken care of from what I can tell. The grey might be from his work.

History: Humbly, he didn’t speak about his future in detail. He did mention that he was rescued by a doctor when he injured himself, and has been working with him since, patrolling the roadside for others who met the same fate as him, so that they may not meet an even worse fate.

Interests and Hobbies: He likes to eat a lot and he is very interested in the arcane. He also likes soft animals, so probably furry animals, I’m going to assume. Raising pets might be something that comes with him, but I’m unsure.


Gender preference: Doesn’t care, but he prefers women.

Racial preference: Fellow Sin’dorei.

Wanted in a partner: Somebody who has a calm and caring nature, that can put up with a partner who may go through rough emotional states at times. Even if they don’t look good, if their physical assets are in good condition, he’ll be able to settle with that. Having a decent amount of medical knowledge is a plus, along with knowing how to cook. A good cook is always a plus.

Unwanted in a partner: Bad tempers and people with poor memory.

Term: Long.

Additional Notes: He no longer has to patrol roads.