Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: An Elven Future needs YOU!
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<A single, large poster is plastered upon the wall of one of the entrances to Silvermoon, with an ornate wooden box below it and at least one surly looking elf standing guard at all corners of the day and night, 'EEF' tattooed on the back of each alternating guards right hand. The trademark 'Elven man holding damsel and looking towards the distance' picture that permeates the EEF's work takes up a small portion of the top of the poster, followed by text below.>


Over the past week or two, the posters and pamphlets of Elves for an Elven Future (EEF) have, disregarding petty vandalism and hate comments, recieved an overwhelmingly positive response from our noble people, as to be expected. Many signatures were collected, with the grand houses of both Seregon and Novalight taking up the sword of our people, and uneasy questions put to rest by our helpful members. But there's only so much we can do alone!

Fellow resident of Silvermoon, do you want to have your say alongside the EEF? Make your voice be heard to the naysayers and let it be known that shirking the duty of all sin'dorei will not be tolerated? Simply write what you wish upon parchment, and hand it to the guard by this very poster. You don't need to be the greatest writer in the land; if you're sincere and want to share your opinion as to why EEF is right, feel free! Thalassian only. The most passionate and moving messages will be featured in the next, and possibly last, EEF pamphlet. Oh, did we say last EEF pamphlet? That's right, bigger things are on the way, but only if we get YOUR support!

Perhaps you don't want to write, however? Literature, no matter how good the cause, can often be a pain for many to write. You can still contribute! Below this poster is a donations box; copper, silver or gold, simply drop as much as you think we deserve. Every coin is greatly appreciated. For donations larger then a few gold coins, please leave a letter expressing your interest to the guard.

And even if neither of those things are for you, a simple letter sent to us that states you support EEF goes a long way. Keep a lookout for us! Our campaign shan't rest as long as there are elves who are either undecided or have not yet seen the error of their ways.


((The EEF guild is officially recruiting! If you're in a guild of your own and still want to be part of EEF, don't worry, you can still be a part of it and you'll be kept up to date with guild affairs. If you -do- want to join the 'official' EEF guild, message Ensuena in-game or post your interest here!))