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I suppose my tidbit is due, just a heads up before you read on though...I have not attempted to give feedback this deliberately before, so expect a few mistakes.

I'll start with the characters I've played with. Personally I thought Arda was interesting at best, and a little confusing at worst (at first anyway) she was apathetic, aromantic but not asexual, (offense not intended to anybody) and didn't utterly shun the idea of a relationship, seemingly anyway.
And then there's Tryste...well, all I can request is that you avoid the Shallow Love Interest trope, although so far I don't think that's happened but it does have a potential to.

The Kidnapped
I actually liked the Kidnapped, though I was a bit nervous with the crowd there, I eventually grew to like the diversity and all of the mini-events surrounding it, and I thought the Elemental sidequest (which was more Xigo, though Naneth was in on it) and Standard-Generic in general were well-done and well thought out.

And finally, you're OOC behavior and GMness
You're gentle, dedicated, and just a nice person overall, where others would of dropped and banned within an instant (or I would of if I were in your position) you kept your wits about you and your head cool.

Yeah I'm tired right now, just gonna be blunt with you, some of the stuff above this might not make sense or has serious grammar issues.
Bump, even though I'm not a GM now.
You're not allowed to bump if you're not a GM, Loxxy.

Right. I'll give you some feedback then. Not too much feedback, but just a little.

You tend to play stoic characters a lot. You play them well, sure. I've no complaints about them. But I just found it hilariously awesome the one time you RP'd a Vodacce escort for 7th sea. She was just so far out of your comfort zone and I thought you really enjoyed it. Try to expand beyond your comfort zone more. Try to keep your characters from blending together. Give them fun, different personalities that you can enjoy.
I appreciate this challenge and I boldly accept it.

(You're a bro. We should RP more.)
"Give me the same thing you give Xigo" she says. *cracks knuckles* Right then!

Time Management

I wont sugar-coat this, but I think you really need to manage your time a bit better when it comes to organizing your events. Yes, I'm talking about the Kidnapped event chains, where you keep saying you're going to start something, and then fail to do so until the last minute. You really shouldn't be afraid to ask for help like you did with the last kidnapped. I had fun writing the intrigues, I really did. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if you asked me too.

Kidnapped four is where I noticed this the most, considering when I entered it, my character was supposed to be largely dependent on an intrigue that never came and a haunting that never happened until the very end. You also have a habit of saying you're going to do something with someone, then end up not doing it. Remember the treasure hunters we were going to do? I do. :(

Keeping Secrets

Due to...incidents of the past, I feel like you have a hard time keeping things private. Sometimes this is good...sometimes this is bad. I remember being harassed by an individual in which would taunt me with information learned by you. It was... unpleasant and left a sour taste in my mouth. It really upset me and sort of turned you into a bad light in my eyes for a good while.

Do I trust you? Yes, but I can say that I'm wary about the things I tell you because I worry about who might find out. Do I think this is a huge problem now? No, not really, but its something that sits in the back of my mind.

That's all I had to point out there, really.

You are a darling otherwise, a real close friend of mine as I'd like to think. You always come to me when you notice something is off and aren't afraid to give honest advice when I spill my heart out to you for the...fifteenth time that month. I enjoy RPing with you, even if I don't much get the chance to do so anymore, thanks to your lack of computer. You're nice...almost too nice sometimes, but that's not fully for me to judge.

You're a bro, we should RP. :| [over skype or something, that is. The no computer part makes this complicated].
(03-12-2013, 05:22 PM)Reigen Wrote: [ -> ]Keeping Secrets

Due to...incidents of the past, I feel like you have a hard time keeping things private. Sometimes this is good...sometimes this is bad. I remember being harassed by an individual in which would taunt me with information learned by you. It was... unpleasant and left a sour taste in my mouth. It really upset me and sort of turned you into a bad light in my eyes for a good while.

Do I trust you? Yes, but I can say that I'm wary about the things I tell you because I worry about who might find out. Do I think this is a huge problem now? No, not really, but its something that sits in the back of my mind.

Needless to say, I learned my lesson since then. Thank you for telling me, though. :)

Bump. I'm back on the GM team as you can see, so I would love me some feedback on my preformances, as a person, as a fellow player on the server, and for the characters I have been playing recently. Namely, Arda and Gille, for the most part. If you've seen me on any others, please hand me feedback if you can and want to. :)
Sadly, I cannot offer any feedback as we HAVE NOT RP'D IN FOREVAR. Q_Q

This must change, Loxy. This must change!
we should Rp more.

You're a bro.

Give me feedback.
fite u in rl m8
You're a nub and I need to RP with you.
top lel
Guuuuuuys, I want real feedback. :c
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