Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Crossfaction city entering.
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Well Hawk wouldn't become angry himself unless he was provoked. And because he knows his place in Elwynn etc, he would try the best he could to keep his cool.

And by caught alone, I mean if he was travelling on his own and a guard approached him, but I see your point.

Thanks for the help all!
Personally, I really don´t think you´d be alowed to enter the city just because you have a few friends who are [insert Alliance race]. Well, if it´s the king it might be an exception.

Make sure to have a good reason to be in the city if you enter, I doubt they will let you in to explore/tour around.
hawk Wrote:When you eventually talk to Hawk you could clearly see that he's a peaceful Troll.

But isn't Hawk a pirate? Since when is any pirate peaceful with all their pillaging and looting? Perhaps if he had a reputation for that it would have given him more reason to be tossed out.
He isn't all "BURN NOOBS GIEF TREASURE". Ok, well he partly is. Maybe peaceful was a wrong word.

What I mean is, he isn't the most grumpiest and dangerous of guys in the world. He could be worse. He's changed a bit since he's come a-shore because he's met new people, and he's sort of caught onto their behaviour.
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