Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Anything.. Yes, anything.
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Alright, I love meh Krest, and so that's why a lot of these posts has ta do with em, so here be another.

Krest can literally get along with anything. You throw a demon at him who's -not- trying to kill everything, and he could have a pleasant conversation like it's no one's busyness. Which isn't good. Krest doesn't have a reason to hate many people, so why not give him one? Krest also happens to be close to 700, so one could have an enemy from his past.

Another side of this is I'm also looking for more casual/friendly RP. This can be anything from simple family (A.E parents, children, etc.), not so simple family (Undead parents, children, etc.), his old master (Alive or dead, you choose), friends he's met over his life, children of the friends he's met over his life, rivals, children of the rivals, stalkers, and anything else one could think of.

I purposely make his profile as unspecific as I can just so I can add things like this from his past without having people have to follow something they didn't make. And so there you have it, do with this what you will.
What sort of enemy would you be looking for?
One that threatens his family, whether it be direct (A.E "I will kill your family") or indirect (A.E. "I will kill everything"). Or one who try's to steal from him (Belongings, or even his family as slaves). And yeah, I could go for the funny not so good bad guy too. In fact, I wanna make a fail bad guy now .-. Anyway.. Really any kind of darker bad guy, thief/murderer/slaver kinda thing.
Le bump.
Maybe Krest can meet Aimee :>
Isn't she the one with Harry? If so, then definitely :3
Was with Harry, but it could be an on-off things since Harry is looking for a more consistent girlfriend. However, I recall you hope to get Krest as a Lion for the Red Glove, so I gotta think of a way to get us some awesome good-evil RP ;)
That is true. But how.. He usually only fights with another when they pose a threat to him or his family. I suppose they could talk for a bit, without knowing who the other was, only to learn eventually that they are enemies. Or even that he doesn't realize it, but she does.. Hmm.. Thinking is too much while I eat life @~@
Woot! Nother bump :3
My DK can give him a wandering plague. That should ruffle some feathers.

Also we need Krest/Irogh RP.
We does, but I be in school D:
Krest should meet Aendron.

btw, Osaka avatar ftw.
Aww D: Another bump. Immy! We has dat lion ting to do D: