Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: When a computar tells you enough is enough..
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Well, meh screen broke. The video isn't registering so the screen is all white. I plan to fix this today (Huzza for meh dad being a computer genius) But if I do not, this is my temporary farewell until I do fix it.

Krest- He's being himself, going around slaying demons, training himself with his blade again, and still looking for his children!? (Hint hint, need someone ;3)

Bormus- Dat big old druid is off rocking the minds of the younguns with his vast supplies of cow jokes. (Hurr hurr, tauren making cow jokes)

Seena/Anees- Anees is trying to fix her other halfs mind and set her back on track. She's around, but literally in a coma. Those who touch her shall be stabbed by bloody needles.

As for the rest, well I don't use them enough to count! Farewell Coth! I shall miss you terribly.

Cheers! Beer

<Posted via a friends laptop>

P.S. I shall be on the forum for about 45ish minutes. Post here if ya want more details concerning the characters above, or anything helpful with my computer problems.
Ignore this post, I'm back ^^