Conquest of the Horde

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Some environmental music, if ya want.

Here's a list of some characters -you-, yes -you- could be RPing with.


Dalikan Godford: An old veteran of the Second and Third War, Dalikan is a Templar that has served with pride since he signed into the Lordaeron Regional Guard when he was 18. He is a widowed father of two daughters, and is quite the cheery man, kind to his friends, yet fierce to his enemies. Little does anyone know, even though he's proclaimed dead, he's still alive... Mysterious. Sworn against love relationships, BUT STILL OPEN FOR MORE FRIENDS.

Grenalin Coldwind: This Dorf is one heck of an example for how awesome his race can get. He is both wise and strong, and he is a natural leader. He is very good at telling tales of the centuries he has spent alive, including personal encounters. A widowed father of six, he spends his recent days studying with his organization, the Coldwind Expeditions, in Titanic structures and remains in the Storm Peaks, but he occasionally visits the mainland. Was taken, and still kinda is, but you can still be FRIENDS.

Barregis Jones: Jones has a mysterious past, which barely any but himself know completely, but he is known by some, maybe many, to be a more-than-average crook, and professional assassin. Sometimes called 'The Suitception Guy' for his large amount of space inside his suit, he is quite the mystery. He has a suit under his suit. And that suit has a suit. He is mysterious, but not taken, although he might be seeking one person currently. Also open for friends, acquaintances, and bounty hunters after his head.

Gornok Grol: Does that orc have... Brown skin...? That's right, it's everyone's favorite Mag'har. He is a strong, respectful, and furious orc who fights demons with a vengeance, for what they've done to his race. His history is simple: Fighting back tides of demons, and the enemies of the orcish race. Open for friends, demonic rivals, and acquaintances.

Dose Alts

Qaz'atai: Qaz'atai is a rather simple troll mercenary. He's taken, and has two daughters, but he's respectful and fights what he can when he can for whatever you can pay. Open for friendships, minionizing, etc.

Addle Stead: Addle is a more-than-average gnomish engineer. His plans are set out to begin creation of a Steamwarrior Suit, and he flies The Punt, a large airship with many guns. An master at thinking and engineering, his inventions have yet to fail him. He's open for relationship, friends, acquaintances, and any that want to hunt him down for being a SKY PIRATE.

Hanrom Scarhorn: Hanrom is a large tauren with large muscles, but he is also wise, and lives in the wilderness. He can tell you just about everything you want to know if it has to do with nature in a region he's familiar with, and he is an expert tracker. Single, he's open for relationships, friendships, etc.

Belania Goldmoon: A humble blood elf, she is an ecstatic person, and a good friend. She always seems to put the cares of other in front of her own, even though none may realize. She is currently taken, but is open for any fun friendships.

Dara Goldmoon: A blood elf death knight, Dara is Belania's older sister, and she is scarred with complete non-emotion. She tries to say what she -might- be feeling at the moment were she living, but sometimes she isn't good at it. Open for friendships and rivalries.

Zenethen Galrein: My namesake, Zenethen is quite the insane forsaken. You'd think he were a comedian if he weren't so oblivious yet funny, and he fights like a madman, using whatever he can find and uses it as a weapon, from pebbles to twigs to his bony hands. Open for friendships, rivalries, and acquaintance.

Desdeynia Del'anos: A fifteen hundred year old blood elf, Desdeynia has seen just about all there is to war and conflict, as she's spent her fifteen thousand years in the Silvermoon Army, fighting everything from Trolls to Scourge to Corrupted Arcane Monstrosities. She has had her share of love, but she could be convinced to find it again. Open for friendships and rivalries if ya want.

Madyth Falconflame: Twin sister to Arthillo Falconflame, and daughter of Elizabeth and Arthur Falcomflame, Madyth is an arena-fighter, and very agile in her moves and her attacks. She is kind, and understanding, but can sometimes be harsh. Taken as far as relationships go, but open for friends and rivals.

Ilneda Silverwing: Best friend of Belania Goldmoon, she is a good person when you get to know her, albeit quite harsh, but still a good person over all. Open for new friends, maybe some rivals, and a relationship.

Dileera Godford: A humble human cleric, Dileera is faithful to the light, and now faithful to her soon-to-be-husband. She is graceful in her strikes when she needs to be, but she is kind, forgiving, and merciful. Taken for relationships, but open for friends, rivals, etc.

Arthillo Falconflame: A gladiator, Arthillo is born of Strom, and fights in her name, and he stands as twin brother to Madyth Falconflame. He is currently taken in a relationship, but is available for friends, rivals, and arena-partners.

Crone: Her name is self-explanatory. This Orc-Witch covers her entire body in cloth, except for her eyes, which you can just barely see. Illusive and mysterious, she holds the power of demons in her hands, but she does not unleash it unless absolutely necessary. None know her name, for even she has forgotten it after all the time that has passed. She stays away from relationships, but she's open for friends, acquaintances, or self-righteous pallies trying to cut her head off.

Mirran West: A rough'n'tough soldier, Mirran runs Black's Drakes as Commander, since Drako Black died a few months ago. He is ruthless and cruel, but also a good man at heart. Taken for relationships, but available for friends, allies, and rivals.

Railfas: A former Draenei Vindicator, Railfas fought for righteousness and purity when he was alive, but now he stands scarred as a Death Knight, an insult to all that he had accomplished and done in his life. Open for friends, rivals, and constant batterings by paladins and priests.

'Sir' Leonard Bennard Bennin II of Alterac: Bennin isn't a knight. He isn't a noble. He isn't even a real 'sir', but he proclaims himself as such. The knightly idiot, some could call him, as he might fight for no reason other than his sense of chivalry, and all that likeness. His witty partner, Duke Dukenson the Poor of Gilneas, is always traveling with him, and together they rule the gala- I mean, show their 'skills' to crowds across the planet. Open for relationship, friends, rivals, and possibly people to knock sense into the idiot.

Richart Jalenson: A humble, traveling friar, Richart is a holy man in everything he does. But in his holy works, he is also wise enough to understand that all of the Light's creations have their own opinions, no matter what they are. A good friend, and a wise adviser, but also a man of peace, Richart can be friends with just about anyone... That isn't evil.

Nakrim Sagebeard: The nature of this orc's surname is a funny tale indeed, but over all, Nakrim is a wise shaman who communes with the elements on a great level. Made blind when he was young, he now serves as an adviser for any aspiring chieftains and champions of the Horde. Open for friends, rivals, or possibly a relationship.

Garonir of Sunnyglade: Garonir is just a small town boy, livin' in a lonely wor- Okay, nevermind. Garonir is a young and aspiring soldier for the Alliance military, and most recently, for the Lionhearts. He has a natural stutter, which cannot be subdued by anything except for when he puts on his serious face. Open for friends, allies, rivals, or a relationship.

Pravyn: This Draenei is one huge dude. He is a vindicator, and a master at combat against demons. He has spent near his entire existence protecting the Draenei race from the foul creations of the Burning Legion, 'From Argus to Azeroth' he tells some people that ask where he's been. Open, slightly, for relationship, and a good friend, ally, or rival for any aspiring warlocks or evil orcs.

James Laus: James Laus is Captain of the Mistresses' Herald, a Privateer ship of some, if any, renown. A valiant protector, Laus is a good swordsman, and he is almost always alongside his dog companion, Jameson. However, he is broken with a fear of demons and death knights, from when he was young. Open for relationships, friends, rival pirates, and anything in between.

Xaiden Silverfang: Brother to Ruibarra Silverfang, Xaiden serves as General of the Blades military branch, and tries his best to bring glory to the name of the elven race. While sometimes he can be harsh, maybe even cruel, he is a loyal friend, and will stay with anyone to the last. Open for relationships, friends, or even rivals.

Orlof Stormhand: A dorf at their best, Orlof is a Corporal for the Ironforge Army, and he seeks to bring glory and pride to his family's name, for they have long been Thanes and Captains of the dwarven race. His axe may someday find many targets in his quest for fighting for the Dwarves. Open for relationships, friends, and rivals from the war, both past and present.

Gorgrash Blackbow: This is one old orc. Old and furious. Old, racist, furious, cruel, ruthless, and uncaring about anything. He fights for the glory of the Horde alone, and doesn't care what he needs to do to get it. Anything that doesn't agree with the Horde is an enemy to him. Open for friends or rivals.

Katrana Silverberg: A noble of Stormwind, Katrana is, unknown to many, also head of a Thieves Guild in the city, and so has a large network to stretch across the regions. A good fighter herself, she is valiant, and light-following. Open for relationships, friends, rivals, and bounty hunting.

Brighella "Biggs" Clifraid: He is apt for his name; Biggs the Big Bellied Battle Bard. He is an overweight bard who is also a mage. He has learned a very distinct art of arcane magic that amplifies the sound waves of his instruments with arcane magic, to deal damage, or raise morale, or have other effects. A cheerful man, and a very good player of many instruments, Biggs is open for friends, rivals, and possibly a relationship.

Geoffrey of Gilneas: Geoffrey is a forsaken warlock, who's only objective in life is to accomplish his goals. Thankfully for him, these goals have to do also with aiding Sylvanas and the Forsaken of Lordaeron. He is hard and unkind, but still a real joker. Open for friends and/or rivals.

Brek Copperbeard: Brek is a proud DORF. Personal Assistant to Grenalin Coldwind, and Head Explorer of the Coldwind Expeditions, Brek serves alongside his boss with dorfen pride and honor. He is a funny individual, although he is serious when he needs to be. Open for relationship, friends, or rivals.

THE LIST. IT FINALLY ENDS. *Heart attack* Alright, so. Post below if you wanna mingle with any of these. We can arrange something.