Conquest of the Horde

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Zeein looked down at his desk, the old tome sitting right where he left it so many years ago. The cover was covered with a thick layer of dust. The Sin'dorei blew off the covering and opened it to a page from previous years. With his flask in hand, he began to read one of his latest entries in the diary.

The day has finally come! My son has arrived.. we waited nine long months for the birth of our baby boy. Kaynia decided on a name, Jaece Solveliss Drakewing. I fell in love with him the moment he entered out world, he's seven pounds seven ounces. I'd say that's a lucky birth weight! He looks just like his mother.. his features angular and he has the same sharp look in her eye that she does. I'm so proud, so proud to finally say I'm a father. The joy when I look at my son is.. I can't express it through words. To know that me and Kaynia created something so beautiful, so precious. If I don't stop myself from rambling on, I'll fill up all the pages. I best take a break to enjoy my finally, -complete- family. If only Solveliss were here to see his Great Grandson.

Zeein stared at the pages, a smile creeping across his face as the emotions he once felt came back for a single moment. He took another sip of his Phoenix water and turned the page.

Jaece is getting big! He's gained a few pounds, I think he's starting to recognize us as his caretakers. He smiles when his mother holds him, I asked Kaynia why she thought that was and her reply was this. "Because he knows I'm the lady with the milk sacs." I couldn't help but snicker at that, but as usual she just glared at me. Deep down, I know she cares for me and loves me though. Anyways.. Jaece has started to grow a small crop of hair. It's my color, all though a tad bit lighter due to the nature of Kaynia's blonde hair. He has my appetite though, Kaynia complains of how much her chest hurts after he's done feeding. I feel bad for her. The life of a child is so precious.. you are their whole world. They would literately die with out you, you are their everything. Their food source, their shelter, their comfort and their only friends. Nothing can describe the love and joy I feel when I look at my Jaece. His mother and I are so proud. And as Kaynia begins to adopt motherhood as her future, I only grow to love her more each day. My family.. I can finally say -my- family.. and it's complete.

The young elf reached his hand out to the paper, touching it as if it would send him back in time. He wished nothing more then to bring them back. He flipped the page once more, the book only lit by the dim light of a candle.

How could this happen.. both of them are sick.. so very sick.. Kaynia can't even move.. she keeps Jaece near her all the time. I'm using all the spells I can to help them along.. healers come and go.. they say only time will heal them now.. I can't lose them.. they're all I have..

Zeein flipped the page, his smile and good mood fading as he knew what came next. Tear drops stained the parchment, old water marks seemed fresh as ever.

They're both gone.. how.. how cold this happen to me.. this is all I ever wanted and now it's -gone- taken from me.. the love of my life.. my son.. they died this morning.. Jaece was the first to go.. to watch your six month old son die in your mate's arms is.. it's the worst feeling ever. I wish I was dead.. Kaynia died in the span of an hour.. watching her baby boy die took her will to live.. she gave up. And I don't blame her. I want to die.. I want to be with them.. to make all the pain go away. I can't stay here, I cannot stay in Silvermoon.. if I am going to keep on living.. I have to go.. where? I don't know, but in the event of me not returning, I leave everything I own to my Grandfather Solveliss Mournhold, and my brother Eroli Drakewing.. The Light has abandoned me, and I shall do the same to it.

Zeein's eyes filled with tears as he read the final passage. More tear drops cascaded from his cheeks to the page, he took a long swig of his Phoenix water. His only crutch since the death's of his beloved Kaynia and his son Jaece. He set his head down on the desk and sobbed, it had been years but the pain was still fresh. And it always would be.

As Zeein entered his home, he shut the door behind him and took a look around. He walked to his bedroom and stripped down from his armor and changed into more casual clothing. He sat on the edge of his bed, looking around the room. His eyes shot to the floor, it was littered with clothes. But they were of a more female persuasion. Various robes now hanged in his closet, as well as other articles cluttering his drawers. He took a few steps over to his desk, opening the diary and flipping to pages from the last few months or so.

"Today was interesting.. I was humming to myself in the spire. This ditsy priestess wandered up there.. she was actually pretty cute. Deathly afraid of heights, I don't know why she would bother coming up there then.. anyways.. we chatted for a bit. She seemed extremely uncomfortable being up that high, so I lead her down to the manor. She.. tripped out of no where. I caught her on instinct, and then I asked her out.. I have a date tomorrow night.."

Zeein chuckled a bit as he read the entry, the writing sparking a fond memory as he flipped the page.

"I forgot to mention in the last entry, that her name is Kenariel Everbloom.. she's a priestess and a confessor. Though... I didn't tell her my name. I just told her to call me Little Wolf.. she seemed content with that. I did something simple, I decided to take her out.. but she seemed uneasy in the city. I got the food to go and lead her to sit by the pond. We chatted for a bit, about family and professions.. and then we went swimming for a bit. It was nice.. while we were in the water, I took her hand and kissed her. It was.. it was nice.. after we were done and dry I walked her home. I haven't felt that feeling for a long time now.."

Zeein's cheeks flushed as he read the passage, he pushed some hair from his eyes and smiled. This time, Zeein flipped more then a few pages to a later entries.

"Kyran and his big mouth gave away my real name today.. I planned to tell her. But I wanted to make it special. I think I'm really falling hard for her.. she's beautiful, and sweet.. and most of all.. she's happy.. someone truly happy. She has that youthful and innocence that's been taken away from me. She gives me hope that I may be able to be happy again one day."

Little Wolf closed his eyes for a moment before flipping a few more pages.

"I love her, and tonight I'm going to tell her. I told her to meet me in Crystalsong, in one of my favorite spots I found while traveling.
I.. I have hope this one will work. I don't think I could lose another person I love.. I hope she feels as strongly about me as I do for her. I've even quit drinking for her, the hardest thing I've ever done next to burying Jaece and Kaynia. I hope that shows her my devotion to this relationship."

The same entry was continued at the bottom of the page.

"She loves me back.. I was relieved to hear her tell me that. I'm holding out hope for this one.. she makes me happy. Happy.. that's something I haven't been for a long time. When I'm with her, I don't feel as if life has cheated me. Or that I'm destined to be alone. She's everything I need, and want."

Zeein flipped forward a great deal of pages, a smile constant on his visage as he read.

"I proposed to her.. she said yes. Please.. Light.. do no take this one from me. Kenariel Drakewing.. it has a nice ring to it, right? I wonder if she wants kids someday.. I hope so. Everything is finally falling into place for me.. I have the position I want, I have the woman of my dreams.. there's only one thing missing. But with luck that will come in time."

Zeein flipped the page, this was the end. The rest of the pages were blank. He picked up his small quill and began to write, the black ink moving with elegance across the page.

"We've picked a location for the wedding, and the guest list is almost complete.. Mom's reaction to us getting engaged was.. funny now that I look back on it. Of course, when you spill a plate of boiling hot soup on your lap because your mother charges at your finace with a bear hug isn't funny at the time. The three of us were screaming though.. Kenny, from fear of my mother. My mother, in sheer happiness as she crushed Kenny's ribs. And myself, from pure agony of boiling hot soup all over my crotch. None the less, it was a good day. I find that with every passing day, I love her more then the previous but not as much as tomorrow. She truly is my everything."

Zeein closed the tome and looked over his shoulder, the ditsy priestess he fell in love with was sleeping on the right side of his bed. He chuckled, looking at her mouth wide open with the small amount of nightly drool that was always down her chin. He climbed into the bed with her, wiping the drool from her chin with his hand. He placed a soft kiss to her forehead, "I love you Kenariel." He said softly, his hands moving to push a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're going to be a beautiful bride." And with that, Zeein closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

IT'S ARORABRU!!!!!! HugHugHug

Rubbing his eyes, Zeein moved over to the desk he had in the house. A number of things were on it, files on members of the Blades. Pictures, plates, cups.. but tucked in the corner was the time he had taken comfort in lately. Flipping it open, he took out his pen and began to write.

"It's been a long time since I've written my thoughts down. I feel as if enough has happened since my last entry, that it is note worthy. I got married, a decision I'll never regret. The woman who I share my life with is the best I could ask for, and not to mention.. we've finally completed out family with the addition of two, beautiful babies. Dresen Leron Drakewing, and Saefina Nelany Drakewing."

Zeein smiled proudly as he wrote, his grin constant on his face.

"They're both beautiful.. and healthy. Thank the Light they'r healthy. Above all else, I value this. I won't fail them, I have my second chance and I won't waste it. My work.. it's demanding, but I love what I do. And I make a great amount of money. I'm comfortable knowing I can support my family. As an advisor to Leron Silverfang, plus leading his ground forces; I get can pretty stressed out. But I wouldn't change it for anything. Lately there have been reports of a few incidents I need to take care of. Lord Scorchblood and I are working to get rid of some orc who is trying to act against Silvermoon. He'd be foolish to ever step foot in my city again."
Zeein rubbed his temples as he heard one of the twins began to stir, he quickly walked over. Placing his fingers to his lips and shh'ing before moving his hand to gentley run across Saefina's head. After a few moments she settled again, Zeein's fel green eyes flashed over to make sure his wife was still asleep. Satisfied that she was, he moved to sit down and write again.

"Speaking of idiots.. Fairstar.. I can't believe what he's become. He marches in with some Ridaken idiot and insults Popsy.. (That's Leron's Dad) and I in our own house. Who the hell does he think he is? Leron was pissed when I told him about that.. I'm glad he's back after being missing for two weeks. Taking care of his kid, plus Kenariel when she was pregnant wasn't easy. And then we had her for a day or two after the twins were born. I'm glad I only have to look after Dresen and Saefina for the moment. I cannot get over how precious and beautiful my children are, and I'm so proud of Kenny for being strong through the labor and pregnancy. The three of them are my world."

Zeein's ears perked as he heard a shrill cry, he smiled down at his tome. Closing it before moving from his seat, "Shh.. you're gonna wake your Mom up.." He said picking Saefina up as she began to cry. He tucked her in the crook of his arm, bouncing her up and down lightly as he began to walk around the house trying to soothe his daughter back to sleep. As she finally drifted off, he went to set her down. Moving back to sit on the edge of his own bed and lay down, he sighed as the second of his children started to cry. Waking Saefina back up, as both Dresen and Saefina cried. Moving to his feet, he looked over his shoulder at Kenny shifting. "I'll get them.." He said pecking her on the cheek quickly before moving to take the twins.

As he picked them both up, he realized this was the fate he was chained too. And for him, that was more then enough to make him happy.